الحضارة الفينيفية المنسيَة

كان زمن عريق وكانت فيه فينيقيا هي المدينة والباقي قرية..
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Antoine Hanna. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Antoine Hanna. إظهار كافة الرسائل

الأربعاء، 11 أبريل 2018

.الدِين - بحث تاريخي


                                     بحث تاريخي
الدِين هو مجموعة العلاقات بين المخلوقات والخالق...واوّلاً إلايمان بالخالق القدّوس وباسمه وصفاته التي تُشبِع طموحات البشر وهي الحياة الكريمة الفرديّة والجماعيّة على الارض ..والامل بأنّ الخالق سَيُعطي حَياةً ثانية هَنيئة...وسَيُقيم البشر من الاموات...وأنّه سَيُدين بِدَينونة أخيرة تُنصِف المخلوقات والتي يُمكِن ان تَرفع مِن سَعادة كل فَرد في الحياة الثانية...
ومِن أقدم العُصور, والشعوب الكنعانية- الفينيقيَّة المُنتشرة مِن تركيّة الى  ما بعد سيناء الى حٌدود مصر تَعَبَّدَت الى خالق تُسميّه ايل="ا ل" (بحرفين بالفينيقيّة) وآمنت هذه الشعوب الى اليوم بالقدّوس"ا ل" وأكرمَت مَلائكته:"جُبرائيل ورَفائيل وميكائيل, وأنبياؤُه: صموئيل ويعقوب الذي لقِّبَ:اسرائيل, ورَعُوئيل واسماعيل ويوئيل, ودانيال وحزقيّال.. وهناك كثيرٌ من الشخصيّات حَملت هذا الاسم: جُملائيل, نتنائيل, فنوئيل.. كما اليوم:عبد الله ورزق الله..وعِدّة بَلدات شَرقيّة:"بَيت ايل", وتعنايل وجبرايل وسعدنايل... وتَوصَّلنا في أطرُوحتنا الاولى الى عِدّة ثَوابت: 1- لغة "العهد القديم" العِبري هي لغتنا الفينيقيّة...2- لا تُوجد الى اليوم ايّة لغة عِبريّة, فهم يَتَكلّمون لغتنا الفينيقيّة من ايّام حِيرام والملك سليمان... ولغتنا كانت مُنتشرة كالانكليزيّة اليوم وشُعوب الشَّرق ما تَزال تَتَكلمها مع زِيادة كَبيرة بِكلمات مِن عِبارات ولهجات مَحلّيّة........... 3- الكاهن عزرا العبري حاول في بابل جَمع وإعادة كِتابة كُتبهم الدينيّة, لِنَشرِها  لِشعبه في السَّبي هناك سنة 400 ق.م. فخاف ان يَكتُبها بالحرف الفينيقي المَعروف جِدّاً, لانّ الانبياء والمزامير يُهدِّدون الشُّعوب وأهل بابل: فالمزمور137 يقول:"يا ابنت بابل طوبى لمن يأخذ اطفالكِ ويُكَسِّر بهم الصخرة".فلهذا إختار إثنين وعشرين شَكلاً مُقابِل الاحرف الفينيقيّة وكَتَب بهم بالفينيقيّة.. ونحن نُعَلّم اللغة الفينيقيّة بِحُروفها الاصليّة وبحرف عزرا... ونُعلّمُ  عدّة   لغات  غيرها..........   4- وكلمة "البعل" ليست اسم عَلم لِرَئيس [ا ل يم]= الملائكة بل تَعني السيّد... فاغفلوا اسمه الحقيقي لكثرة قداسة اسمه فهو الاوّل بعد الخالق.وهكذا الاسم "يهوه" الذي يَعني الكائن(الثاني) والاسم الثالث لريس الملائكة: صَرخته مِ كَ "ا ل":ميكائيل  فنستنتج انّ الاسماء الثلاثة هي تعني شخصاً واحداً وهو: [ رئيس الملائكة ]....
5- وآمنت الشعوب الكنعانيّة- الفينيقيّة بأنّ هذا الخالق القدّوس"ا ل" هو قادرٌ  ان يُعطي البشر حياةً ثانية وانّه سَيقيمهم من الاموات.. وسيدينهم بالعدل... وآمنوا انّه خالق الخلائق و[اب لجميع البشر] ولجميع [ا ل يم]= جماعة "ا ل "= الملائكة.. وهذا ما تُبرِزُه  مخطّوطات مدينة  "اوغاريت" بتاريخ مئتين وخمسين سنة  قبل موسى النبي (ترجمة د. انيس فريحة: ملاحم واساطير من "اوغاريت")... فوُجِدت في خَرائب هذه المدينة المُنافسة لصور, آلاف اللوحات من الطين المشوي بحالة جَيّدة وتُرجمت الى أهم اللغات وهي مَوجُودة اليوم في مَتحف "اللوفر" في باريس... وما زَوّرها احدٌ كما زَوَّروا المقاطع العَديدة مِن كُتًب "العهد القديم" وآخِرُها  كان في الجِيل التَّاسع  بعد الميلاد بِحِجّة ضَبط الالفاظ...  كما بيّنّاها في اطروحتنا الثالثة...
6- نَستنتج مِن خَلال مَلحمّة "هوميروس": الالياذة (مِن "ا ل") بِتاريخ السَّنَة ثماني مئة ٌ (ق. م.) انّ اهل اليونان قبل هذا التاريخ كانوا قد إعتنقوا الديانة الفينيقيّة واضعين اسماء يونانيّة مٌقابل الاسماء الفينيقيّة:"ا ل"="ثاوس".و"البعل"="زفس". و"عشتروت"= "أفروديت"...والرومان ايضاً كانوا قد إعتنقوا الديانة الفينيقيّة واضعين مقابل:"ا ل"="ستورنوس" و"البعل"= "جوبيتر" و"عشتروت"= "فينوس" وهكذا  لبقيّة [ا ل يم] مع كل صفاتهم الفينيقيّة ( د. أ. سركيس: الفينيقيّون مشاهد من حضارة. بالفرنسيّة...) واصبحوا الشعب الثالث الذي إعتنق الديانة الفينيقيّة..وكان الكهنة الفينيقيّون قد رافقوا تُجَّارهم الى اقاصي الجُزر وبَشّروهم بالقدّوس "ا ل " خالق الخلائق واب لجميع البشر ولجميع [ا ل يم]=جماعة "ا ل "= الملائكة الذين  يَعبّد لهم كل الشعوب ليكونوا شُفَعاء لهم  عند الخالق القدّوس ويَحمُوهم من الاعداء...وهذا ما اشار اليه يسوع لمّا قال للرسل:سَتَدخُلون في حقولٍ غيركم تعب في زرعها وستحصدون من اتعاب غيركم...
كما نقرأ في ملاحم "اوغاريت"عن الملك والكاهن دانيال الرجل الصالح الذي ليس له ولد...(ًص300) فتَقَدَّم البعل مُشفقاً طالباً من "ا ل": "لتقوينّه يا خالق الخلائق...فيكون له ابنٌ في بيته...فأخذ "ا ل" عَبده وبارك دانيال.." واصبح له ولد.. ونجد في سفر النبي حزقيّال14\14 أنّ دانيال الفينيقي هذا هو اقدس انسان بعد نًوح اب البشريّة الثاني فهو اقدس مِن كل القدّيسين العبران من ايّوب وابراهيم وموسى...ودانيال العبراني سَيُعرف بعد اربع مئة سنة من النبي حزقيّال الذي يقول في مَحلّ آخر:"ها إنّك أحكم من دانيال" قاصداً ملك صور : "الاوّل": ايّ "آدم" حسب ما برهنّا بالاطروحة الخامسة استناداً الى هذا النبي....(حز28\12)
 وابرام أتى مِن مدينة "اور" الكلدانيّة الى مدينة "شليم" الى عند مَلكها وكاهنها "الملك الصادق" كاهن "ا ل" العلي خالق السَّموات والارض والذي بارك ابرام باسم "ا ل" العلي خالق السَّموات والارض..وتَطعَّم بالديانة الفينيقيّة خاصةً عندما زِيدَ على اسمه حرف "الهاء" واصبح ابراهِم للتجانس مع الاسم المعظّم للخالق : "ا لُ هِيم" ( الهاء للاحترام تُوضع بعد الاسم و"يم"علامة الجمع للتعظيم..."ا ل هيم"=52  و ابراهِم=52 بالترقيم الكهنوتي) وفيما بعد ألصَقُوا الاسمَيْن : اور+ شليم= اورشليم... وعلى اسم موسى الحقيقي سَيُزاد ايضاً حَرف الهاء: مُ شَ هَ= مُشَهَ= 39 واسم مار بطرس بالسريانيّة: "كيفا"=39(ترقيم كهنوتي) وكل واحد هو الاوّل في جماعته..["ا ل"=13=الدرجة الاولى الالهيّة والدرجة الثانية: درجة الملائكة:فرئيس الملائكة الذي كلّم موسى:"يهوه"=2×13=26 والدرجة الثالثة : الدرجة البشريّة الثالثة: 3×13=39...]
وكان موسى قد هَرب من مصر أتى الى عند كاهن "مدين": "رَعوئيل" واعتَنَقَ على يَده الديانة الفينيقيّة مِثل جَدّه ابراهِم وتزوّج ابنت الكاهن"رعوئيل" وبَقِيَ يَرعى له غَنَمه الى ان رأى "نار العٌلّيقة"...وبعد ان أخرَج موسى الشعب من مصر اتى بهم الى جِوار الكاهن حَميه, واخبَره موسى بالمُعجزات التي صَنَعَها الذي كلّمه من نَار العُلّيقة "يهوه" لخَلاص الشعب فقال له الكاهن والنبي "رعوئييل": "يهوه" عظيمٌ فوق جميع [ا ل يم]...وهذا التحديد لهويّة "يهوه" سيبقى الى اليوم على اساس اللاهوت العبري...فلا موسى ولا كهنته ولا الانبياء ولا أصحاب المزامير سَيَجِدون افضل من هذا التَّحديد وجميعهم سَيُرَدِّدون عَشرات المَرَّات جُملة النبي رعوئيل عِبر الاجيال الى اليوم...وكلمة "يهوه" ليست [اسم علم] لرئيس الملائكة بل تَعني الكائن (الثاني بعد الخالق)...ونَجِد في سِفر الخُروج18\12واخذ "رعوئيل مُحرقة وذَبائح وقَدَّمها الى "ا ل هيم" واتى هارون ورؤساء الشعب واكلوا مع رعوئيل حَمي موسى امام "ا ل هيم". وكانت حَفلة  العِبادَة هذه  للخالق "ا ل هيم" الاولى والاخيرة واليَتِيمَة امام الشعب وكل الحَفلات العِبادِيَة ستكون الى "يهوه" الذي سَيَرِد إسمه في كُتُب موسى الاربعة اكثر من الف وثلاثة مئة مرّة ...واسم الخالق: "ا ل هيم" وَرَد خَمسين مَرّة تَقريباً وأغلبهم على لسان النبي الفينيقي "رعوئيل" وعلى لسان النبي الفينيقي الاكبر "بلعام"...(لقد بَرهنّا في اطرُوحتنا الرابعة إنَّ سِفر التكوين ليس من كِتابة موسى) وكان شعب موسى قد نَسِيَ ديانة اجداده وتَعَوَّد على الديانات المصريّة فلمّا أبطئ موسى على الجبل أجبر الشعب هارون ان يصبّ لهم عِجلا ذَهبيّاُ مِن حُلى نِسائهم وعَبَدُوه...وكانوا الشعب الرّابع الذي إعتنق الديانة الفينيقية ولو نصفها..
وموسى ما اتى بخالقٍ جديد بل  ادخل الشعب بالديانة الفيتيقيّة مع القدّوس"ا ل" خالق المخلوقات و"يهوه" كرئيس ملائكته ولكن لا نعرف لماذا توقّف موسى هنا عند النصف الاوّل من الدين وما اعطى الشعب النصف الثاني من الديانة الفينيقيّة اي الايمان بانّ الفدّوس "ا ل" قادر ان يُقيم الموتى وقادرٌ ان يعطي البشر حياةً ثانية افضل وانه هو الذي سيدين بالعدل كل البشر...فلهذاعاش العبران الى اليوم كنصف وثنيّين..فهدف العبراني للسعادة, وحسب الانبياء هو المال والبنون وان يجلس تحت تينته وقُرب كرمِه مع الاقرباء والاصدقاء ويتنعَّم معهم...وبعد ان يشبع من الايّام تكون نهايته كنهاية الحيونات..وهذا معنى كلام يسوع:"جئتُ لأكمّل"وكان قد اتى اليه فريقٌ من العبران يستهزؤن به عارضين عليه قضيّة سبعة اخوة تزوّجوا امرأة واحدة كلٌ منهم لفترة قصيرة وماتوا... وقالوا له: فإذا كانت هناك قيامة – كما تدّعي- فامرأة مَن ستكون؟...إنما فريقٌ صغيرٌ إبتدأ يؤمن بالقيامة وهذا ما سهّلَ تصديق قيامة يسوع..وهذا الفريق نجّى بولس من الموت عندما حاول اليهود قتله فصرخ "انا فريسي" فانقلب جماعته يدافعون عنه. ...
ولا نعرف ايضاً لماذا موسى عظّم رئيس الملائكة "يهوه" اكثر من الخالق "ا ل هيم" فما اعطاهم وصايا الخالق بل وصاياهوه".. ونزل "يهوه" على  رأس جبل سيناء... (فالخالق يملئ الكون) 1- ":انا "يهوه" [ال هي كَ] (مفرد [ا ل يم] الذي اخرجك من مصر من دار العبوديّة, لا يكن لكَ "يهوه" غيري امام وجهي... (وهذه هي الترجمة الحرفّيّة عن النصوص الاصليّة)... انا [ا ل هي] غيور...فالخالق الاعظم مِن مَن يغار؟... 2- "لا تحلف باسم "يهوه" بالباطل." وباسم "ا ل هيم"؟  هل يجوز للعبران ان يحلفوا به بالباطل؟...4- اكرم اباك وأمّك حتى تطول ايّامكَ على الارض التي يعطيك ايّاها "يهوه"                [ا ل هي كَ]... والعبري الذي لا يسكن على هذه الارض؟؟؟ والاكرام ليس إكراماً للخالق بل لمنفعة شحصيّة.. 8-لا تشهد  شهادة زورعلى قريبك (العبراني).وبقيّة البشر؟؟؟...9- لا تشتهِ امرأة قريبك (العبراني) وبقيّة نساء الشعوب؟؟؟ 10- لا تشتهِ ارزاق قريبك (العبراني)...وسيأتي احد اليهود ليقول ليسوع :"مَن هو قريبي ؟؟؟ فبرهن له بمثل انّ قريب "اليهودي الجريح" كان احد اعدائه من السامريّين..(فكان وما زال اليهود اغنى اغنياء العالم)...والنبي "ملاخي" يجعل"يهوه" يعاتب الشعب فيقول: لا ارضى تقدمة مِن ايديكم, لانّه من مشرق الشمس الى مغربها اسمي عظيمٌ في الأُمم وفي كل مكان تُحرق وتقرّب لاسمي تقدمة طاهرة"... ولكن كل هذه الشعوب تُقدّم لرئيس الملائكة الفينيقي الذي اسمه غير مَعروف ويُسمّونه "البعل"اي السيّد...وكلمة"يهوه" التي تٌشير ايضاً الى رئيس الملائكة ليست اسم علم بل تَعني الكائن ونَرى انّ "يهوه" يُساوي بِنفسه مع البعل=السيّد الذي مِن مشرق الشمس الى مغربها يُكرّم... والان نُكرّم كرئيس ملائكة الذي من بدء الكون ومن اعالي السماء صرخ:" مِ كَ "ا ل"= مَن مثل "ا ل" ونكرّمه باسم صرخته: مِ كَ "ا ل"=ميكائيل وهذه الكلمة ليست اسم علم ونرى ان الاسماء الثلاثة تعني كلّها ذات الشخص: إذا رئيس الملائكة هو "البعل" وهو "يهوه" وهو ميكائيل... وشعوب الديانة الفينيقيّة ما تعبّدت ابداً لاصنام...بل للملائكة ورئيس الملائكة... إنما الفرع العبراني ما تعبّد إلا لرئيس الملائكة بصورة حصريّة وتناسوا كثيرا العبادة للخالق"ا ل هيم"....
وموسى كما مار بولس حاولا إتباع النموذج الفينيقي في الخلق : فكما انّ الفكر الفينيقي يقول ان الخالق خلق "اشيرة" امّ جميع [ا ل يم] ومعها خلق سبعين [ا ل يم]... ونجد مثالا في مخطوطات "اوغاريت"ومن عصر الانحطاط انّ: "ا ل" يريد خلق اثنين جُدُد مِن [ال يم]: فيعانق اُثنتين من بناته(ص356).. "وهكذا, بالتقبيل حَبِلتا, وبالعناق الحميم, جاءهما المخاض وولدتا.."(في هذا الوقت القصير: فهم ارواح).. وهكذا مار بولس تصوّر ان الخلق خلق من الارواح البشريّة اوّلاً " روح يسوع" وبه ومعه خلق جميع ارواح البشر. وتصوّر موسى والكهنة فيما بعد: انّ الخالق "ا ل هيم" مع رئيس الملائكة "يهوه" خلق الجلد الذي سمّاه سمَوات(تك1\7) والارض والبحار واستراح في اليوم السابع: إسْتراح إستِراحة ابديّة....... ويسوع سيقول: "ابي يعمل دائماً"...وفهمه الكهنة جيّداً...فأخذوا حجارة ليرجموه...واستناداً لفكرة مشاركة "يهوه" بخلق الاشياء الجامدة, فالكثيرين فكّروا بالوهيّة الاسم "يهوه"...واهل الديانة الفينيقيّة فكّروا ان المشاركة بين الالوهيّة والملائكة كانت بين"اشيرة" امّ الملائكة مع الخالق...ومار بولس وجماعته يفكرون انّ روح يسوع هي اوّل روح بشريّة خلقها "ا ل" القدّوس ولها وبها خلق جميع الارواح البشريّة..والانجيلي يوحنّا الرسول يقول:(اع1\1..) في البدء كان"الكلمة"= دَ بَ ر (بالفينيقيّة) و"الكلمة" كان لدى  "ا ل هيم"..[به كان كل شيء]..و"الكلمة" صار بشراً فسكن بيننا فرأينا مجده....فنرى أنّ فكرة ["سُمُو" الاب الخالق] وقداسته هي  مُسيطرة عند جميع الشعوب فلا تَقبل ان يتنازل الخالق ويخلق كل المخلوقات بل على مثال آدم وحوّاء يخلق اوّل المجموعة وبها يكتمل ويستمر الخلق...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
ويسوع ايضاً ما اتى بخالقٍ جديد بل حاول ان يُكمّل للعبران النصف الثاني الذي ما اعطاه موسى لشعبه اي الحياة الثانية والدينونة والقيامة والتي سَيُعطي البرهان عنها بقيامته الشخصيّة... ورُسل يسوع ما بَشَّروا بديانة جديدة بل بيسوع النبي الاكبر, بين العبران الذي اقامه من بين الاموات"ا ل"="ا ل هيم"="ثاوس" وحاولوا تبشير اتباع الديانة الفينيقيّة ونجحوا بصعوبة لانّ اغلبهم كانوا من الشعب البسيط: صيّادي سمك ويجهلون حقيقة  الديانة الفينيقيّة التي كانت تضع "تماثيل" لرئيس الملائكة  السّيّد= البعل ولبقيّة [ا ل يم] وكان موسى قد قال كسّروا اصنام المصريّين ولكن كسّروا"تماثيل" [ا ل يم] الفينيقيّين... وكانت العبادات جَماعيّة عند اهل الديانة الفينيقيّة. واتباع يسوع كان يُحرّم عليهم المشاركة بالعبادات الجماعيّة وحجّة الغير مثقّفين, من الشعب الغشيم, إن العبادة الجماعيىة هي للاصنام ...ورفضُهم المشاركة كان يُسبب لهم الموت ما كانوا يُسمّونه الاستشهاد. ولكن بعد ما كُتِبَت الاناجيل وقرأها كبار القوم والمثقفين فَرحوا كثيراً بهذا النبي من "الشعب الرابع" الذي تَبِع ديأنتهم.. واصبح لديهم تجدّد قوي وسريع بالقدّوس"ا ل" خالقهم الذي اقام انساناً نبيّاُ من الاموات وتَمَعَّنُوا  باقواله فوجدوها مطابقة لايمانهم من جهّة ابوّة الخالق والمحبّة الاخويّة ووصايا يسوع التي تفوق المئتين والخمسين وتدعو الى الكمال والقداسة بالتقرّب نحو القدّوس "ا ل" خالقهم...فبعد كتابة الاناجيل بنحو مئة سنة كان الايمان بيسوع وتعاليمه فد انتشر في كل  مُدُن الامبراطوريّة الرومانيّة, وتَبنّوا يسوع واستبدلوا الذبائح الدّمويّة بذبيحة يسوع الغير دمويّة وهذا ما اعطى الانطباع ان اتباع الديانة الفينيقيّة قد تناسوا ديانتهم.فكان بالعكس فرفعوا النبي يسوع الى رتبة اللالوهيّة كما سنرى
وكان الفينيقيّون يؤمنون انّ القدّوس "ا ل" هو ثالوث وكان كبار الكهنة منهم يَعرفون اسماء الثالوث ...فحاول  الاساقفة من اصل الديانة الفينيقيّة الذين آمنوا بيسوع الذي اقامه خالقهم القدّوس "ا ل" وضَمُّوه كأكبر نبي الى ديانتهم التي تُؤمن بالقدّوس "ا ل" اب لجميع البشر ولجميع الملائكة وبحثوا هل يوجد في تبشير يسوع ايّ شيء يدلّ على فكرة ثالوث في تعاليمه في الاناجيل فوجدوا في انجيل يوحنّا فقط:"انا والاب واحد"و"مَن رأني رأى الاب"...سأرسل لكم "الروح القدس" "البارقليط"= المساعد"فوجدوا ما كانوا  يَبحثون عنه.. وفي اوّل فُرصة بعدما اعطى الامبراطور قسطنطين الحُرّيّة الدينيّة بسنوات قليلة,  تَجمَّع الاساقفة في الامبراطوريّة في "نيقية" وكانت الاكثريّة من اصل الديانة الفينيقيّة الذين اقرّوا عَقِيدة الثالوث عند الخالق ثمّ رَفَعوا يسوع الى دَرجة الاقنوم الثاني من الثالوث والذي تَجسَّد من العذراء مريم... فقام ضُدَّهم الاساقفة من اصل عبراني بزعامة الاسقف "اريوس"..  وكانوا قد قبلوا بِصعوبة رفع يسوع الى رتبة "الملك الصادق"  بالرسالة الى العبرانيّين واصبح النبي يسوع رئيس كهنوت العهد الجديد وهكذا انفصلوا عن العبرانيّين ....فبولس كان يقول قبل الرسالة الى العبرانيّين "انا اتبع ديانة اجدادي ولكن على"الطريقة"التي يقول عنها الكهنة العبران إنّها "هرطقة" (اع24\14) فالديانة الفينيقيّة رفعت يسوع الى رتبة "الالوهيّة تاركةً الاريوسيّين يُذكّرون بالاناجيل الثلاثة وبمار بطرس وجميع الرسل وبِحُرم مار بولس الذي يقول: "لو بَشَّركم حتى ملاك من السماء خِلافاً لِما بَشَّرتُكم به,  فليكن محروماً.. ..  وموسى الذي قال: "سيرسل لكم "يهوه" انبيّا مثلي" (اي انسان مثلي) فَربِحت شَكليّاً الجماعة من اتباع الديانة الفينيقّة...
ولكن فِعليّاً ربح الاريوسيّون...لان احدهم كان داهية ومن الفريق العبراني وصديق حميم للامبراطور فجعله ينفي واحداً فواحداً جميع الاساقفة اتباع الثالوث  ويضع مَحلّهم اساقفة اريوسيّين (إنما هو, فعل هذا بنيّة حسنة)... ورجعت الصلوات اريوسيّة والكتابات بما انّ اكثريّة الاساقفة كانوا اريوسيّين... وهكذا كُتُب الرهبان..وعمَّ الفكر الاريوسي صلوات القدّاس خاصةً  بعد ان اصطحبوا الامبرطور"كونسطنس"الى"ميلانو" بايطاليا, حيث جمّع اساقفة الغرب وخيّرهم بين النفي او الرجوع الى الايمان الاريوسي...ونفى الاكثريّة حتى "بابا رومية" فوضع محلّه "فاليكس" الاريوسي (سنة350) واسرع هذا, بتغيير الصلوت ورتبة القدّاس خاصةً :لانه باعتقادهم لا يقدر نبي ان يصنع اعجوبة إلا بقوةٍ اعلى منه او الرب: "يهوه" او الخالق فاكتفى بطلب قوّة روح الرب:"يهوه" طالباً: "استجبني يا رب وليأتي روحكَ الحي القدّوس (وآخر كلمتين للتمويه إكراماً للمعترضين, فيقول لهم "ولو ! هذا ما تسمّونه "الروح القدس") ..فيسوع ليس بالنسبة اليه ابن الاب المتجسّد الذي يستطيع بقوّته الخاصة ان يجعل الخبز جسده والخمر دمه....بل احد الانبياْء وحتى اكبرهم وليس من رتبة "يهوه" ولا من رتبة الخالق حيث وضعه اهل الديانة الفينيقيّة...فهم غرباء عن ابراهيم ونسله اهل الموعد (فيتناسون انّ ابراهيم كان قد إعتنق هذه الديانة وهو الغريب عن ديانة "ا ل" خالق الخلائق...) فوزّع "بابا رومة هذا" رتبة قدّاسه الى اساقفة العالم.  فالاساقفة الاريوسيّون قبلوها لانّها حسب معتقداتهم وقبلها الاقلّية الاخرون لانها آتية من "رومة" وطاعة رومة واجبة. وهذه الرتبة للقدّاس والصلوات ما زالت اريوسيّة الى اليوم مطعّمة ببعض جُمَلٍ تذكر"الاب والابن والروح القدس" وتبقى رتبة القدّاس والصلوات بنسبة تسعين بالمئة(90%) اريوسيّة لجميع رتب القداديس للكنائس الشرقيّة... وحصل شبه تجديد بالكنيسة المارونيّة بحجّة الرجوع الى الينابيع والتراث...وللاسف كل التراث هو اريوسي وهذا اغرق الطائفة في الاريوسيّة اكثر من قبل...فنرجو الرجوعة الى بحثنا الثامن حيث درسنا الرتب صفحةً صفحة  وسطراً سطراً وكلمة كلمة. وابرزنا  الالقاب المزيّفة ليسوع الذي لا تليق به إلا كلمة: "قٌدّوس"...وهذه الكلمات الرنّانة: ربّ=سيّد بالسريانيّة كيريّا= سيّد باليونانيّة, رب الارباب... سيّد السادة... ملك الملوك....(فايّ ملك ما كانت سيرته وسخة من داود الى سليمان....... وكلمة مسيح اي ملك مُسِح بالزيت".. فليس لها ايّة قيمة دينيّة فكل ملك عبري هو ميسح..وخاصّةً الملك داود في المزامير    والملك الفارسي الذي سمح للعبران ان يبنوا هيكلهم سمّوه: [مسيح "يهوه"].. هللوا  يه .."= هللوا "يهوه"- "هو..شعنا"= "يهوه" يخلصنا. الله الاب- فالله هو ثالوث- فكيف الثالوث الاب؟ --ايّها الاب وروحك القدّوس فهذا روح الاب وليس الروح القدس الاقنوم الثالث...المذبح الغافر فمن يغفر المذبح او المذبوح-- الجمرة الغافرة او الخالق الغافر....
وكان السريان قد بشِّروا بعض القبائل في فجر المسيحيّة وكانوا يًصلّون معهم بالسريانيّة وينشدون معهم للخالق:" قديشات "ا لُ هُ" لمدّة نسبيّا قصيرة الى ان  اصبح لديهم عدَة كهنة.. فترجموا الصلوات الى العربيّة واحتفظوا بعدّة كلمات سريانيّة وفينيقيّة: ربّ, ملاك, هللوا "يه...", هوشعنا, قدّوس, يوسف, مريم, اسماء الانبياء والرسل, واسماء الملائكة...ولكن اسم القدّوس:"ا ل"=الُ هُ" لا يُترجم  فوضعوا امامه للتكريم والتعريف:اداة التّعريف العربيّة:الْ فاصبح الاسم:الْ+"ا لُ هُ"=اللهُ واصبحوا الشعب الخامس الذي دخل في جوّ الديانة الفينيقيّة.وبعد نحو خمس مئة سنة كان قد انتشر الدين المسيحي الاريوسي في السعوديّة وخاصة في منطقة مكّة حيث المسؤل: مطران مكّة, ورقة بنُ نوفل الاريوسي و"السبئي"الذي كان يعلّم اتباعه العمل بكل الفرائض العبريّة اوّلا ثمّ المسيحيّة ليكونوا صالحين فتشرّب اهل المنطقة هذه المبادئ منذ صغرهم.   فلهذا نجد في الاسلام الايمان اولاً بجميع انبياء العبران ثمّ الايمان بِ "المسيح عيسى ابن مريم هو وامّه آية للعالمين" حسب الايمان المسيحي الاوّل الاريوسي قبل مجمع "نيقية" وما  كان الاسقف يؤمن لا هو ولا كهنته بالثالوث بل بيسوع نبي العبران ومسيحهم وعند بدء الاسلام كان كل شعبه يعيش هذا الايمان فعند بدء الدعوى ما كان بالامكان تحديد ما هو من الماضي من العبريّة وانبيائها ومن "المسيحيّة الاريوسيّة السبئيّة" وما هو وحيٌ جديد...وعند تلاوة أيات اسلاميّة على الملك "النجاشي"المسيحي مِن الموفدين له قال:"إذا كان هذا اسلامكم, فنحن اسلامٌ قبلكم" (لكثرة التشابه بالايات المسيحيّة قبل التغييرات التي احدثها المصحف الاوّل ايام الخليفة عثمان)...وكان الاسلام "الجماعة السادسة" التي دخلت في جوّ الديانة الفينيقيّة وبمفهوم وايمان اوسع من العبران:متخذين النصف الاوّل من الديانة الفينيقيّة ايّ"ا ل هيم"=اللهمَّ,الخالق. والنصف الثاني الايمان بالخالق القدير ان  يُقيم  الاموات ويعطي حياةً ثانية ويُدِين دينونة عدل:  فَيُكافئ,  ويُجازي......
ونستنتج من كلّ ما سَبَق: انّ كل هذه الشعوب تَعبَّدت الى ذات الخالق :"ا ل"="ا ل هيم"=ثاوس=ستورنوس="ا لُ هُ"=الله لانّ كل دِين جَديد  يَتَميّز اولآ, باسم الخالق الجديد ....وهنا ليس من خالقٍ جديد....إذاً لا تُوجد عِدّة اديان بين الشعوب التي ذَكرناها بل هو دِين واحد بِعِدَّة فُرُوقات وخَصائص ثانويّة...لهذا, لتَكُن الحِوارات تَهتَمّ فقط بالخصائص الثانويّة بين الاخوة  لآبٍّ وَاحِد وهو "ا ل" خالق الخلائق واب لجميع البشر ولجميع الملائكة.... فالملائكة إخوتنا وإن كان اسم رئيسهم "يهوه" او"البعل" او جبرائيل... جميعنا إخوة ولو تقاتل اجدادنا...جميعنا إخوة ولو اجدادنا غيّروا قناعاتِهم واصبح كلّ اخٍ ضد اخيه... جميعنا اولاد خالقِ الخلائق ولو فريقٌ من اجدادنا ترك العبرانيّىن والتَحَقُوا باتباع يسوع... والكثيرون من اجدادنا تَرَكوا يسوع والتَحَقٌوا باتباع "المسيح عيسى بنُ مريم".. والفريقين إنقسموا الى عدّة فُروع وهذا ما شوّه وجه الدين الواحد.
جميعنا إخوة ولو قِسْمٌ مِن اجدادنا بعد انّ أبدَعُوا [بالازهر] في مصر إنقرضوا بقوة فريق من الاخوة... وفَريقٌ آخر من الاجداد عَلّوا "عَلياً" الى رتبة "العلي"... وفريقٌ من الاجداد الاوروبيّين الذين إنشقُوا لسببٍ تافه: ما يُسمى "بَيْع الغُفرانات" وبعدها إنزَلقُوا وباعُوا نصف الايمان فابطلوا نصف المقدّسات وتشابهوا باتْبَاع "المسيح عيسى بن مريم" بالغَاء ما كان اساسي في الدين عند  كل الشعوب: ايّ الكهنوت.... وكان اُسقف مَكّة قد حَرّمه اساقفة مُحيطه السريان نَظراً لافكاره المُتَطرّفة, لهذا نَصَح أهل الحَرَكة الجديدة بِمَنع ايّ شَخص ان يُسَكّر باب الدِين على غيره, فألغِيّ الكهنوت .. ومُؤسِّس الفريق الانفصالي  المسيحي"لوثر" ما وَجد ايّ اسقف يَتبعه, فالغُى الاسقفيّة وكل الكهنوت .. فلا ندعو لاي عملٍ سيخجل منه الاحفاد...ولا نتمنّى  ان ينفرد احدٌ ويتفرّد ويغَيّر قناعاتِه بل يتابع مع رفاق دربه ويتَّجه  مع جماعته الى لقاء بقيّة الجماعات الدينيّة المؤمنة بالقدّوس الخالق "ا ل"="ثاوس" "ا لُ هُ"= اللهُ....
 لنبدأ بتصحيح التعابير: فلا يليق بالخالق إلا كلمة قدّوس ويَجِب تَجَنُّب كلمة :ربّ= معلّم بالسريانيّة وَ"كيريا"= سيّد باليونانيّة, والكلمات الرنّانة المهينة للخالق: "رب الارباب سيّد السادة , ملك الملوك (فايّ ملك كانت سيرته مثاليّة؟ لآ داود ولا سليمان ولا نبوكدنصّر ولا غيرهم... فحتى "اتباع الثالوث" ورثوا من الاريوسيّة هذه التعابير المهينة ليسوع .........  وما سَلِمَ من هذه  التعابير مصحف جماعة "المسيح عيسى بن مريم"... فلقد ترجموا كلمة "يهوه" بكلمة "كيريا" اليونانيّة. والسريان ترجموها الى الكلمة السريانيّة "ربّ": ومصحف عثمان الاوّل المتشرب لهجة مكّة وايمان اسقفها الاريوسي "ورقة بن نوفل" والصور المكّية, نجد فيها مئات كلمات "ربّ"وهي كانت تعني اولا "يهوه" وليس الخالق ولكن الشعب تدريجيّاً اصبح يفكّر انّ "ربّ" تعني الخالق وهذا غلط لانّ القدّوس ليس ربّ= سيّد....
سنُلقي نَظرة الى الوراء- "غير بريئة"-  فنقول: لو ما أقدم اهل الديانة الفينيقيّة  على رَفع يسوع الى رتبة الخالق جاعلين منه الاقنوم الثاني المتجسّد فمَا كانت حَدثت كل هذه الحروب الدينيّة والقتل والتقاتُل بِسبب  عَقيدة الثالوث ولا بِسبب "بَيع الغُفرانات" ولا بِسبب دِيانة جَديدة تُكَفِّر جَميع اولاد الخالق وجَميعهم يَتَجنَّبُون اتباعها ويَخافونهم خَوف النِّعاج من الذئاب.. والمُضحك المُبكي انَّ نُصف هذه الديانة اصبح يُكفّر النُصف الاخر وقاتلوا وقتّلوا بعضهم  وهَجَّروا بعضهم باسم الخالق الواحد.. وهذا ما يُحزن ويُبكي كل اولاد الاخالق الذين يُشاهدون قِسمأً من إخوانهم يَقتُلون ويُقتَلون بِحِجَّة تَكريم الخالق... فكانت  نَتيجة عَمل الخَيرالفينيقيّة بَرفع يسوع الى رتبة الخالق جَلبَت على البشريّة الخَوف والتَّهجير والكوارث والقَتلى بالآلاف مع الاف الارامل والاف الايتام مع انهار الدُمُوع والدَّم عِبر الاجيال.. هل هذه ضَريبة عَمل الخير؟؟؟  هل يَقبل أتباع الثالوث ان يَرجعوا الى يسوع النبي ؟؟ وهل يَقبل اولاد ابراهبم الرُّجُوع الى"مردوك" مَعبُوده الاوّل في العراق؟ وهل يَقبل جَماعة "المسيح عيسى بن مريم" الى الرُجُوع الى ايمان اهل مكّة الاوّل ؟
سنشرح العبارات التي تعني الخالق وملائكته, وتداخل العبارتين المتجانستين: الخالق="ا ل" ورسله الى البشر:[ا ل يم]= جماعة "ا ل" ايّ الملائكة الذين ما وَجَدَت لهم اللغة الكنعنيّة - الفينيقيّة تَسمِية منفردة بَعِيدة عن اسم الخالق ...وبما انّ ديانة  القدّوس"ا ل"هي ديانة كنعانيّة – فينيقيّة لا تُفهم جيّداً إلا من خلال لغتهم وعقليّتهم و"جميع"المترجمين وخاصّةً الاوروبيّن. (ولقد درسنا لغاتِهم في بلادهم ومع افرادٍ منهم , واصدرنا أطروحتنا الاولى بخمس لغات: الفرنسيّة والانكليزيّة والايطاليّة والاسبانيّة والعربيّة  وسنتابع).. فاغلب الانحرافات في الدين عِبر الاجيال اساسها تَرجمات غير دَقيقة للغّة وللفكر الفينيقي ابتداءً من العِبارتين الاساسيَّتين :"ا ل" و[ا ل يم] :فتُرجِمَت عِبارة "ا ل" الى"ثاوس" باليونانيّة وبالاتينيّة الى ساتورنوس ثمّ "داوُس" فينشدون:"سانكتوُس داوُس" بالاتينيّة, وباليونانيّة "اجيوس ثاوس" =قدّوس "ا ل" ولكن يجب ان نأخذ "ا ل" كاسم علم لا يُترجم مثل كلمة "رفائيل" التي تبقى تقريباً ذاتها في كل اللغّات...ولكن القدّوس "ا ل" لا يُسبّحه احد اليوم باسمه الذي يُحبّه... وكل كائن يُحب اسمه ويُجاوب عند النداء باسمه ويَتَجاوب, ويَفرح بِتَكريم اسمه, فشخصيَّته هي التي تُكرّم وهكذا لاسماء الملائكة والقدّيسين... فالبشر يُسبِّحون الخالق باسماء بعيدة عن اسمه القدّوس "ا ل" بلغاتهم:"ديوس", "دِيُّو"  "ديو"  وبالانكليزيّة "جود"(جيم مصريّة)... فاين القدّوس "ا ل"؟؟؟؟؟ فلا يسمع ابداً إسمه.. فربما لهذا السبب لا يجد البشر تجاوباً كبيراً وسريعاً كما يتمنّون ولانّه في اغلب الاحيان "هذا الشعب يُكرّمني من الشفاه وقلبه بعيدٌ عنّي..."............      .             ومنذُ انفتاح العالم الغربي على كُتُب العهد القديم العِبري  نجد هذه الغلطة الكبيرة في الترجمات: وهي في ترجمة كلمة [ا ل يم] فهم جماعة "ا ل" وترجمة المفرد يُقال عنه [ا ل هي] وعندما نعني الذي انت تتعبّد له نقول عنه :   [ا ل هي كَ] ولكن الغلطة الكبرى في الترجمات : فيكتبون :"الهك" وتعني هذه الكلمة: خالقك بدل ان يكتبوا:ملاكُكَ الذي تتعبد له...وفي كُتُب العهد القديم يقول "يهوه" بلسان الانبياء عشرات المرّات "انا  [ا ل هي ك] وانت شعبي." ويُترجمون في كل اللغّات :"انا الهك اي خالقك ومن هنا دئب الشعب على اعتبار "يهوه " خالقاً , رغم انّ آخر الجملة يبرهن حقيقته كملاك بالعبارة : "انت شعبي" لانّه بالنسبة الى "ا ل" فكل الشعوب اولاده وليس عنده من شعبٍ مُفضّل على شَعبٍ آخر.. والكارثة في الترجمات انّ اهل الشرق هم كسالى  فبدل ان يرجعوا هم الى اللغّة الاصليّة الفينيقيّة يختارون الطرق السهلة ويترجمون عن اهل الغرب ولغاتهم التي تحتوي  الى اليوم على مئات الاغلاط – ونحن ترجمنا العهد الجديد والاهمّ من القديم وقارنّا الترحمات الاوروبيّة والعربيّة واحصينا الاغلاط عند الفريقين وسنعطي امثالاً وبراهبن...
"سفر التكوين":1\27:"فخلق "ا ل هيم" آدم على صورته ومثاله على صورة "ا ل هيم" خلقه ذكراً وانثى خلقهم  وباركهم "ا ل هيم" وقال لهم "ا ل هيم".... فما يقدر ان يعرفه اهل الغرب::اولاً من الرقم 26 الى الرقم30 وهم  خمس ارقام تتكلّم عن خلق البشر..وفيهم سبع مرّات اسم الخالق فهذا يشير حسب علم الاعداد عند الفينيقيّين الى قوّات الثالوث السبعة كما شرحنا في اطروحتنا السادسة ...حيث قلنا انّ الكهنة الفينيقيّين كانوا يعرفون انّ الخالق هو ثالوث وكبار الكهنة كانوا يعرفون اسماء الثالوث.. ثانياً: نجد اسمين لاوّل مخلوقين بالصفة الجنسيّة  واتت عشر كلمات وافعال بصيغة الجمع ولدينا المثنّى في اللغة الفينيقيّة فلماذا الكلمات اتت بالجمع فهذا يعني انَّ الخلقَ هو ثالوث: الذكر والانثى والنسل فهو على صورة الخالق الذي يُفترض ان يكون هو ايضاً ثالوثاً...فلا يوجد المثنّى في لغات اهل الغرب...فكيف يقدرون إكتشاف ما كشفناه؟ وبعد خطئتهما يصنع لهما اقمصة من جلد ويلبسهما...فهنا ئجد المثنّى لادم وامرأته وفي الفصل الخامس يرجع ويروي خلق الانثى والذكر وتأتي اربعة افعال بصغة الجمع من جديد...
"سفر التكوين" الفصل الثاني: يبدأ بوضع كلمة "يهوه" قبل كلمة "ا ل هيم" وبرهنّا في اطروحتنا الثامنة انّ هذا السفر ليس من كتابة موسى وأنَّ هذه العبارة من المخطوطات الفينيقيّة وكان قد استعملها النبي الاكبر "بلعام" في "سفر العدد"22-24   وحسب رموز الاحرف الفيميقيّة:ي=الابوّة والهاء =الروح ثمّ و=البنوَّة إذاً: "ي ه و"="يهو" والهاء الاخيرة هي اداة التعريف الفينيقيّة="يهوه"= الثااوث ...(والنبي بلعام ما كان يعرف موسى ولا مَن كلّم موسى).."يهوه ا ل هيم"= الثالوث "ا ل هيم"...فابن داود ابشلوم حين حارب والده نُزعت عنه صفة البنوَّة وكُتِبَ اسمه"ابشلم" وبعد موته تزوّجت إحدى بنات "ابشليم" فوُضعت ياء الابوّة...........وتوارث العبران مجموعة معتقدات وافكار وضعوها حشواً في اسفار العهد القديم واصبحت كتب مكدّسة من أثار الاجيال وليست كُتُب مقدّسة:فالهرطقات تلاصق العقائد الصحيحة...ففي البحث  العاشر عن المزامير ما وجدنا إلا خمسة عشرة مزمورأ تصلح للصلاة وسنكتفي بمثلين:مز16: الالهة الذين في هذه الارض, أولئك الاقوياء, هواي كلّه فيهم."  فاين "يهوه" واين "ا ل هيم"؟؟؟؟  مز137:"يا ابنة بابل, طوبى لمن يأخذ اطفالكِ ويَكسِر بهم الصَّخرة"...بلا تعليق...
"العهد الجديد" وسنكتفي بمَثلٍ واحد من عشرات وكنّا قد بيّنّها باطروحتنا الثانية عشر: مشكلة "إخوة يسوع": يَذكر انجيل يوحنّا خاصةً عدّة مرّات "إخوة يسوع"... ولاجل الترجمات الغلط يقتنع جميع "البروتستنت" خاصةً بأنّ العذراء لها عدّة اولاد والاناجيل عندما نترجمها حرفيّاً تعطي الحلّ يو1\41 "واندراوس لقيَ اوّلا اخاه سمعان وقال له وجدنا المشيح: وهنا غلطة ترجمة صغيرة ومفعولها كبيرٌ جداً..فباليونانيّة مكتوبٌ "اخوه الخاص"="إذيون"..والناصرة: مدينته الخاصّة="إذيّة" والسامري وضع الجريح على دابّته الخاصّة="إذيّة" وبانجيل مرقس نجد عن الرسل العِبارة: تلاميذه "الاخصّاء="إذيوي" ولكن مع عبارة "إخوة يسوع" لا نجد :لا "إذيون" ولا "إذيّة" ولا "إذيوي".. وزيادة على ذلك فاهل الشرق يقولون "إخوتنا الدروز واخوتنا الشيعة..." وبرهنّا ان الفينيقيّين هم إخوة يسوع بالدّمّ: فاولاد يعقوب باستثناء يوسف تزوّجوا كنعانيّات فجدّات العذراء نصف  دمهنّ كنعاني ونصف دمّ العذراء فينيقي... فنصف دمّ يسوع فينيقي...
 واللغة الفينيقيّة تعطي الحلّ الصحيح:فكلمة أخ من فعل "احبَّ": اح  واحت واحّاي:احبّائي... والعبران يلفظون الحاء: خاء فاصحت:"اخ واخت...............   وهذا فضلاً عن الترجمات التي تستَدرج الى هرطقات: في انجيل متى":مت1\18 : "قبل ان يجتمعا إذ وُجد لها في البطن من روحٍ قدّوس ...وقال الملاك ليوسف " لانّ الذي حُبِل بها من الروح "هو قُدّوس"=استين اغيون" وليس من الروح القدس فيصبح ليسوع ابوين "الاب" والروح القدس....فالعبران كانوا يفكّرون انَّ الخالق كالانسان له كيان وروح (على صورته ومثاله) فالروح هو" روح الخالق القدّوس" فالروح القدس ليس معروفاً في انجيل متى إلا في الجُملة قبل الاخيرة وربما مُضافة... وبولس يقول "إنَّ الروح  يَصبُر=(يتدخّل في) اعماق  "ا ل هيم" ولكن "ا ل هيم" هو روح............        انطوان  حنّا  استاذ اللغّة الفينيقيّة  وغيرها..........

الثلاثاء، 1 أغسطس 2017

Par Mr Antoine Hanna phenicologue

We had written about the role of the Phoenician language and religion that were the very beginning of our religions, on the sites: 
-www.thechristianandthephoenicianreligion.blogspot.com  (in Arabic and in French.)

The tablets of the city of Ugarit were found in Syria near the sea in 1929 and translated in many languages. They are from two hundred and fifty years before Moses. We find in the tablets that the creator of all the creatures is:"A L"(with the first Phoenician letter "A" and "L" the twelve) and He is the Father of all humanity and of all the "A L im"=angels like Gabriel= GabriAL  and Raphael = RaphaAL .(The nouns of Angels must have the noun of "AL" with them and also some distinguished men: Michael=MichaAL Emmanuel =EmmanuAL  Israel = IsraAL  Nathanael=NathanaAL, Daniel=DaniAL...(Dr.A.Freiha traduced the tablets of Ugarit)
The Greek adopted first, the Phoenician's religion with "AL"=Theo and Baal=Zeus and 'Ashtarut= Aphrodite and the Romans from the Greek with "AL"=TheoDeus and Baal= Zeus= Jupiter and 'Ashtarut = Aphrodite= Venus, and so on..(The Phoenicians  by Dr.Sarkis)  Till our days there is not, any Hebrew language. This is our Phoenician language. But an Hebrew priest in Babel would write the old Testament there, for the deported people, could not write neither in the Phoenician because it was the commercial language very known like English today, nor in the Assyrian because the prophets wrote many bad things about Assyrians and the psalm 137 says  " O daughter of Babylon: Happy shall be that takes and dashes thy little ones against the stones." Then he took 22 forms of letters and wrote about 400 B.C.in the Phoenician language. One man could make neither a new language nor a new religion. Abram a Chaldean man from the city of "UR" came to Palestine to the city of Shalim to see her king:"Malak Sadeq" priest of "A L" the most High(gen14\18..23) After his victory on the  four kings  Abram came to Malak Sadeq who blessed him saying:" be blessed Abram of the most High:"AL" possessor of the heaven and the earth...And he gave him tithes of all.....And Abram said to the king of Sodom "I have lift up mine hand unto the Lord the most High"AL" the possessor of the heaven and the earth...After this, we are sure that Abraham adopted the religion of his priest: the Phoenician religion and he spoke the Phoenician language. There is no Hebrew language till today this is our Phoenician language (the word "earth"=arz is a Phoenician word) and the language spoken in the Middle East is not a dialectal Arabic but the Phoenician language with many words from many languages: the Persian, the Turkish, and hundreds of Arabic words..The Arabs speak this, adding new Arab words..The sentence, in Arabic begins with the verb and the Latin ends with the verb. The Phoenician begins with the subject before the verb and the European languages forgot the Latin and took the Phoenician way... (Ur+Shalim= Urshalim= Jerusalem) (The Greek have not the letter "sh" then all the noun with "sh" are translated with "s" and the Latin "J" was pronounced "i" then "Irushalim.. Jacob=iacob   Jesus=ishouh Messiah=Mashiah
The son of Isaac Jacob saw a vision of angels...He said "this is the house of "AL"=beit "AL"(gen.28\19).Then a very small people was the fourth people to adopt the Phoenician religion and worship "AL": the Jacob's family and their descendents that Moses saved....
The word "AL" is translated by the word "God". Then all of you and we, worship:"AL" But who is "AL"??? The Phoenician priests knew that "AL" is Trinity and they knew the Names of the Holy Trinity...Jesus gave only the name of the Father to the disciples but perhaps they thought that is a secret and no one told anything. The psalm91 says: I will set him on highbecause he had known my Name, he shall call upon me, and I will answer him...Only st. John arrived a bit, when he said in his first epistle:["AL" is love]..{We encourage the clergy and the religious to try to know any name..They have to prayand try to find in st.John and our thesis
The Phoenicians made "AL" known in the farther islands. And all the countries around the Mediterranean sea worship 'AL' the creator in the Phoenician religion .The first Christian predicators did not speak about a Divinity who created the creatures but they said Theos= "AL" has raised Jesus from the dead(Act17\31) the speech  of st. Paul to the Athenians.And when they speak to the Jews they said "AL  H im" raised  Jesus     (pronounce :"AL o Him)
Moses escaping from Egypt went to the priest of Madian  RaouAL and adopted the religion of "AL" and married his daughter and became his shepherd till he  saw  the fire in the bush . And he heard a voice telling him: I am: YHWH and he replied twice with :Elohim="AL H im" The Phoenician puts  the "H"=the, after "AL" to glorify and "im" the sign of plural to magnify  ="AL H im"="AL o H im"( O like a vowel) but we write:"AL H im".."In the beginning "AL H im created the heaven and the earth...(Gn.1\1) and in the Ugarit tablets we find:"AL"creator of the creatures and Father of all the humans and all the["AL im"]=angels He is Misericordious and Kind and Peaceful. Till to days there is not a Divinity other than "AL"="AL H="AL H im".     (The "H" is pronounced like in English.) All the Syriac communities in the world glorify the Divinity "Qadishat "ALo Ho" They are some millions in the world...At the beginning some Syriacs preached the Gospel to some Arabic tribes and they pray with them in Syriac and  saying "Qadishat  "AL o H o" And when they had enough Arab priests, they translated the  prayers but for:"AL o H o", they put to glorify the Name the definitive Arabic article before                the Noun: al+"AL o h o "= alL o h o=(The A is omitted  between double L and this gave the noun   "Allah". And after five hundred years, the Islamic religion will adopt the Arabic  Christian vocabulary  with  first the word "Allah"...Then this fifth people worship also the "AL" of the Phoenicians, of the Jews, and of the  Christians. And they are now more than milliard...The three religions worship only "AL" the Phoenician Divinity creator of all creatures and Father of allhumans   and all the angels=["AL im] ...All religions knew periods of  decadence and heresies...The Lord told to Abram(Gen15\16)... Thy seed will be strangers for four hundred years....for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full...And Jesus said a mysterious sentence: When he will return, will he find believers on earth?????
When Moses came out from Egypt with the people they went near the priest "RaouAL" the father of the wife of Moses, went with his daughter and the two sons of Moses to see him. And the prophet "RaouAL" said to Moses:" now I know that" YHWH is powerful above all the ["ALim] ". But Moses could not understand this sentence because he had not any ideal to become priest but only shepherd and in Exodus 4\10 he said unto YHWH: "O Adoni I am not eloquent neither heretofore nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant but I am slow of speech and a slow tongue"... All the prophets and the psalms will repeat many times the sentence of the prophet "RaouAL" and they have not found anything better neither Moses nor his future  priests and prophets. The prophet Isaiah wrote:"YHWH entered to Egypt on a fast cloud" like the "Baal rider of the clouds"...All the roles and acts of Baal, the priests took them and gave them to YHWH and tried to isolate him and themselves from the religion of "AL" by all means. They falsified the name of "RaouAL" to Yetro...and other things that we had precise in our Arabic thesis....
(Ex.18\12)And RaouAL" took a burnt offering and sacrifices for "AL" and Aaron=Aharon came and all the elders of IsraAL" to eat with Moses' father in law, in presence of "AL"...It was the first time that the Hebrew peoplworship "AL o H im" and the last one and the Unique till our days...they will glorify only YHWH and offer sacrifices to him.(psalm95\3): For  YHWH is a great AL Hi and a great King above all AL im  ps.89\6:fore who in the heaven can be compared unto YHWHwho among the Sons of the mighty can be likened unto the YHWH? (We traduce:" Fore who in the heaven can to be compared to the Sons of [AL im] ?) 7:God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of "AL im and a great king above the [AL im]=angels ps99\ 1...(this is"the King James(Authorized) Version) but we literally traduce : ["AL" H im] is to be feared in the great meeting of [AL im] Ps.95\3 for  YHWH is a great AL Hi ( He sits on the cherub im (we have also the seraphim) ps96\10 Say among the people YHWH reigns... ps97\7: worship him all you [AL im]...ps.104\3:Who  makes the clouds his chariot, who walks upon the wing of the wind...( like "Baal rider of the clouds") [we adopt AL Hi for one AL im]
Now, we will tell you the meaning of the word "Baal", we, Phoenician descendent, and teaching the Phoenician language and more than fifteen other languages then you may trust us. First remember that there is not an Hebrew language till our days but this is the Canaan- Phoenician language like wrote the prophet Isaiah: "the lip of Canaan" and..."in those times five cities of Egypt will bless YHWH with the "lip" of Canaan ...Then the word "Baal" is not a Noun of person but it is a common noun and means: lordhusbandowner of animals and things as said the prophet Isaiah 1 \3:"The ox knows his owner and the ass his master's crib= his baal's crib (literally)...The Creator loved our ancestors first and he loves us and will love our descendents...from thousands years ago the religion  of "AL" exists with ["AL im"] with the king of ["AL im] a Lord that is prohibited to men to pronounce His Name but instead say: Lord= Baal ...and  the Jews cannot pronounce YHWH but :"Adoni"=Lord and who pronounces  THE NAME will be killed. And the Name of the man Jesus is translated to the Greek with "Kyrie"= Lord. and remember that the creator loved our ancestor first, and the prophetMalachi said:1\10 I have no pleasure in you said the Lord of hosts neither will I accept an offering at your hand ...for from the rising of the sun even unto the going down My Name shall be great among the peoples and in every place incense shall be offered unto My Name, and a pure offering ...and you brought that which was torn and the lame and the sick and blind......... You know now that all peoples worshiped the Creator at the same time when the Jews offered sacrifices to YHWH ...We let you conclude by yourselves about the first Lorand the second Lord and the third Lord... It is too soon toask this question: Are they the Same Lord who loves his creatures???
 Certainly you will say why we know the name of our creator and it is not prohibited to pronounce the Holy NAME and all the religions are based on Him the most sacred one??? The priests of the Phoenician religion – the mother of all-knew that "AL" is Trinity and knew the THREE HOLY NAMES OF THE TRINITY. Jesus gave to the Apostles the Holy Name of the Father(Jn.18\26 Father...I make them know Thy Name... and they kept The Name secret because he is very Holy...THE TWO LETTERS ARE THE BASEMENT OF THE WORLD THEY ARE TW0 ABREVIATIONS OF THE TWO FIRST HOLY NAMES Try, you, to know anyone by praying and examining  st. John's Epistle and Gospel and reading again all our thesis and keep top secret your knowledge. Because if you pronounce the NAME without respect it will be "wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth" and if you will pronounce him with respect you can ask for miracles and prodigies.ps.91: I honour him because he knew My Name...
We shall go back to the psalms: 95\3: our YHWH= [AL Hi] is great and above [AL im] he is a great King . 89\6...who among the Sons of the mighty=Sons of [AL im] can be like YHWH = [AL Hi] ps.82\1: "AL" stands in the congregation of mighty=in the meeting of [AL im]. I have said you are [AL im] and you are children of the most High...The psalms and prophets show YHWH like a Soldier or General of an army and King who defences their people against all enemies: ps.89\18"for the Lord=YHWH is our defence, and the Holy One of IsraAL.. 9\35 Once I have sworn by my Holiness that I will not lie unto David (this is an heretic idea written by the author of this psalm and there are many...  But the Church must examine psalms one by one {see our thesis in Arabic you can find a long study about all the books of the Old Testament except those who are not legal in the Hebrew Bible: The rule is : each  book that has one capital  letter or two or three is legal. We gave all the legal books, those who have  capital letters: in what chapter, what line, what word and what letter...The book who has not a capital letter has heresies like the books "yashou' Ben Sirakh," Wisdom...
Why Moses gave only the First Half of Phoenician religion: worship "AL", offer sacrifices to "YHWH" Who is great above all ["AL im], practise the law and his own commandments because they are not those of GOD="AL" those of "AL" are in the Phoenician religion. But in Exodus:20\1 You have  literally:1-"I am YHWH your [Al Hi] who have brought you out of the land of Egypt, out  the house of bondage you will not have another YHWH before my face {for Moses and his priests and his prophets they see in YHWH one of the [AL im] like  Baal and  'Ashirat whose statue remained more than onehundred and twenty years in the Temple of Salomon. And the prophet Isaiah will say: YHWH enters to Egypt on a fast cloud like (Baal the rider of the clouds)  }   3- You shall not take the noun of YHWH your [ALHi] in vain {but  the Name ofGOD="AL" don't mention ?} 4- Honour your Father and your mother that your days may be long upon the land which YHWH your [AL HI] gives you {and not the essential: who gives honour to Parents gives  honour to the Creator} 8-You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour{for other people don't mention ???} 9-10- You shall not covet yourneighbour's house....nor your neighbour's  wife {for the other peoples? Don't mention? And this remained to the times ofJesus: they asked Him who my neighbour is? }
Then this is the religion of Moses the half of the Phoenician religion putting in honour the First of the [AL im] as their King:YHWH...The peoples of the Phoenician religion exalted each  one of the [AL im].But the Hebrew people is the best he exalted YHWH above all [Alim] ps.97  For you are YHWH, high above all the earth you are exalted far above all [AL im]......... But, but, but THE SECOND LIFE, Moses tells nothing about it...while all the peoples live to have the BEST ETERNAL LIFE and all peoples had  the faith in the second  life and the resurrection.  For example the Pyramids and theMommies inside prove this.... why Moses and his people only they do not believe in a second life and Resurrection till the days of Jesus.. Happily some few persons, His enemies, the Pharisees believed in the second life and in the Resurrection, that will make His Resurrection believed rapidly....
We will not judge Moses so hard because in his last book he wrote a sentence which will be repeated in the Gospel and in the Koran that was written by the Nestorian bishop of Meque in a sentence that says:"Say Allah A H D= Unique.....And in the Gospel:"Hear IsraAL YHWJ our [AL HI ]  is YHWH A H D=Unique And in the Phoenician in the Old TestamentShma'=hear IsraAL YHWH [AL Hi nu] YHWH A H D=Unique...We explained all this, enough in our thesis according to the science of numbering till the tenth century: A=1  H=8 D=4  1+8+4 = 13... "AL"= 1+1213   1+3=4...Four directions "AL"=13=A H D...YHWH  is  A H D  is  "AL".A+H+D=3Trinity...We calculate with the priest numbering. Some beginners will say: L=30 this is the public numbering. But the two arrive at the same point here: "AL"=31...3+1=4 ...The role of the ancient religious books is to HIDE MORE THAN TO REVELATE... We give another example: The Trinity was Know by the clavers from the beginning of Genesis 1\27 So God=Elohim= "AL him=Theo=Deus created Adam according to His image in the image of "AL" created He him, male and female created He T H E M and "AL" blessed T H E M and "AL" said to T H E M....  You have ten sentences in the plural...This plural tells nothing to the Europeans ...But in the oriental mentality we have the duality, that is more important: male- female, day- night, up- down, left- rightsun- moon....2eyes,2ears2hands, >>>"AL"=2letters..THEN the duality is not plural in the oriental languages. You see nothing in the ten T H E M ...But we Phoenicians, we see too much..When you have a male and a female in all the creatures you will expect a third thing: the children...THEN "AL" is two letters but  :  T R I N I T Y...We are at the image of "AL" by the human trinity: male + female + children. Then "AL" is Trinity...To study a philosopher or a religion we must study them in their own language: specially the old Testament who is written in Phoenician with a Phoenician "AL" and mentality...But those who have this treasure are from the "Hard" Assyrian mentality who made from YHWH "a Soldier, a General of army, Who killsby thousands their people and the residents of Madian and all Palestine. They were an angry slave people who would dominate all the others... who will make the others slaves like he was...They also massacred the peaceful city of Lachish "... which was as peaceful as Sidon"...They don't profit at all, from the promises of YHWH ...All the people who went out from Egypt with the hope to arrive in the promise Land were dead before the arriving, except Caleb and Yoshu'a Ben nun...All who lived in Hope to see the days of the Messiah... But a few persons had seen...This is the only blind people till our days. The malediction of the prophet Isaiah is still upon him. The Church must pray specially to rub out this malediction of the prophet. Then they will begin to see hundreds by hundreds.
YHWH told to the prophet Elias ="AL"YHW 1kings19\18:"yet I have left for me (7.000) seven thousand in IsraAL all theknees which have not bowed unto Baal and every mouth which had not kissed him...But where are the other seven hundred thousand (700.000) the rest of IsraAl???  And with the Prophet Jeremiah =IrmiYH (WH) 44\16 {Many prophets end their name with the beginning of YHWH} All the men which new that their wives had burn incense to other gods and all the women that stood by a great multitude even all the people that dwelt in the land of Egypt in Pathros answered IrmiYH saying: As for the word that you had spoken unto us in the name of YHWH. But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goes forth out of our own mouth to burn incense unto the Queen of Heaven='Ashirat=Aphrodite  and to pour out drink offerings unto her as we have done, we, and our fathers our kings and our princes in the cities of Judah and in the streets of  Jerusalem=Urshalim. For then had we plenty of victuals, and were well and saw no evil. But since we left off to burn incense to the Queen of Heaven = Ashirat-whose statue was...- And to pour out drink offerings unto her, we have wanted to all things and have been consumed by the sword and by the famine...
The Canaanian – Phoenician religion is the mother of the three actual religions who worship her "AL". They honour herangels=Al im. They believe that "AL"is their Father. They believe in the Second Eternal life (except the majority of the Jews) The Phoenician religion is above the other religions also by her greatest saints...(The Islamic religion, her greatest feast day is the Sacrifice of Abraham.)And for the Jews the greatest Saint is their Father Abraham...But in the Phoenician religion we have "more than Abraham": We have five saints: the greatest :
 1-DaniAL the Phoenician: See the prophet Ezekiel=Ih'zqAL 14\12: "The word of YHWH came  again to me saying :"Son of Adam when a land sins against me by trespassing grievously then will I stretch out mine hand upon it, and will break the staff of the bread therefore, and will send famine upon it, and will cut off men and beasts from it: Though these three men  NOAH DANIEL=DANIAL and JOB were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness said YHWH "AL Him"...And he  repeats for four times  those three Nouns ... Then the greatest in righteousness in the word till the times of the prophet EZECHIEL= Ih'azqAL  after NOAH is DANI"AL" the Phoenician because the Hebrew Daniel will be known after FOUR hundred years after the prophet Ezekiel...Then he is greater in righteousness than JOB, than Abraham  than Jacob, than Moses, than the prophet Elias and the others.... There is a long drama about the good Kingand the High priest DaniAL in Ugarit's Tablets..       
2- Malak Sadeq king of Shalim and priest of "AL" the High creator of the Heaven and of the earth came to him a Chaldean of Ur: Abraham. We see him specially coming to Malek Sadeq after his victory against the "four kings"...MalakSadeq blessed him in the name of "ALthe High creator of the Heaven and the earth and Abraham gave his priest tithes of all... That means that Abraham had yet adopted the Phoenician religion...Malek Sadeq is greater than Abraham because he is priest and his priest...and the psalm110 \4says:"YHWH" had sworn and will not repent "you are a priest forever, on the order of Malk Sadeq" then the Messiah is elevated to the degree of Malak Sadeq....The epistle to the Hebrews 7\1:"for Malak Sadeq Kind of Shalim priest of the most High "AL" who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him to whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all. First, being by interpretation King of righteousness and after that, also King of Shalim which is King of peace  without Father, without mother, without descent have neither beginning of days nor end of life and He is like the Son of "AL" and he remains priest forever. Now see, how great is He unto whom even Abraham the first of the Fathers gave him the tenth of the best of the spoils .....  Malak Sadeq with those qualities should be more than our Phoenician Messiah...   Till 325 Jesus was a Messiah of the Jews only and st. Barnaby elevate his priesthood only to the degree of Malak Sadeq and after the council of Nicaea in 325 the Bishops who were from the Phoenician religion were in front of the bishops from the Hebrew families. The first win by numbers, Nestorius and his friends the Jews...And Jesus became the son of the Father in the Trinity..Then what will become who reassembles to Jesus??To know:Pray, see the thesis
3- The High Priest of all Madian the Phoenician prophet "RaouAL Who received like a honourable host the killer Mosesescaping from Egypt, he protected him, giving him his daughter, Safura in marriage...And Moses who was obliged to worship the Egyptian gods and knowing nothing about the religion of his Fathers,  became with the help of the priestRaouAL an adept of the Phoenician religion and a shepherd of the priest till he saw the fire in the bush...A voice said to him:"I am YHWH and he said, for the second time to "AL Him"...... After going out with the people from Egypt, Mosescame with the people to Madian near RaouAL who took Safura and the two sons of Moses and went to see him...Ex18\6 It was said to Moses:"your father in law RaouAL is coming to you and your wife and her two sons with her. And Moseswent out to meet his father in law, kneeled and bowed to the Priest and kissed him...Ex18\11 The prophet RaouAL said to Moses;"now I know that "YHWH is great above all [AL im]... and RaouAL Moses' father in law took a burnt offering  and sacrifices for "AL H im" and Aaron=Aharon came and all the  elders of IsraAL to eat bread with Moses' father in law before "AL H im". The prophecy of the prophet RaouAL:"YHWH is great above all [ALim] neither Moses nor his future priests could understand it till our days and could not find better from it, till today...The Jews in the times of Elias bowed and kissed Baal ,Moses had the same thing with RaouAL, and as a priest he is also above Moses and Abraham ........ The prophecy of the prophet RaouAL, no one of the prophets Jews could understand it... Who is above [AL im]? He is their Father "AL H im" And the Phoenician priests knew that      "AL H im " is TRINITY and the NAMES OF EACH PERSON OF THE TRINITY....RaouALmade the people worship "AL him" for the First time and the Last time and theunique till to days....
4-The priest and the prophet Balaam..The people arrived with Moses to the plains of Moab and the King was afraid ...He sent messengers with rewards in their hands to Balaam saying: I know that "who you bless is blessed and who you curse is cursed.(num22\1)"And "AL H imcame to Balaam and said:" you shall not go with them you shall not curse the people, for they are blessed...Then the King sent again Princes more honourables...Balaam said to them" if the King would give me his house full of silver and gold I cannot beyond the word of YHWH [AL H i] to do less or more...Then "AL H im" came  to Blaam at night  and said:"go but the word which I shall say to you, that you shall do...And he went with  the Princes of Moab... riding his donkey (she)... And she saw the angel of YHWH standing in the way and his sword drawn in his hand and she turned aside out of the way...(three times and three times Balaam smote her...And YHWH opened the mouth of the donkey and she said unto Balaam what have I done unto you that you, had smitten me  three times? And Balaam sad unto the donkey: Because you had mocked me...And the donkey said unto Balaam: Am I not your donkey upon which you had ridden ever since I was yours unto this day?  Was I ever wont to do so unto you? And he said: Nay....Then YHWH opened the eyes of Balaam and saw the angel of YHWH ...Who said unto him: why you smote your donkey three times? And Balaam said: I have sinned...If it displease you I will go back again...the angel said go...but only the word that I speak ...you shall speak...And when the King Balak heard that Balaam was come, he went out to meet him unto the city of Moab...The second day the King took Balaam and brought him up to the high of Bamot Baal that he might see a great part of the people...      And Balaam said to the King:"build to me here seven altars and prepare meseven oxen and seven rams and he offered on every altar a bullock and a ram and "ALmet Balaam...and YHWH put a word in Balaam's mouth....and he said: How shall I curse whom "ALhad not cursed or how shall defy whom YHWH had not defied....And the King said what had you done unto me? I took you to curse my enemies and you blessed them? And the King took him to another place..And Balaam offered again seven bullocks and seven rams...And Balaam said: Rise up Balak and hear:"AL" is not a man that he should lie neither a son of man that he should repent...I have received commandment to bless...and I cannot reverse it......... And the King brought Blaam to the top of mountain ...And Balaam offered the sacrifices ... And the Spirit of "AL Himcame on Balaam..Only on Jesus it was said: The Spirit of "AL Him" came on Jesus and only in St. Matthew...This was said neither of any of the Fathers nor Moses nor the prophets and who writes this is supposed to be Moses ...He had said which heard the words of "AL" which saw the vision of the Almighty. Falling into a trance but having his eyes open...Jacob is as cedars trees beside the waters...there shall come a Star from Jacob...And Balaam rose up and returned to his place..( to write those for Moses)       Balaam the priest and the prophet is the greatest prophet in all the religions: The Spirit of "AL Himcame on Balaam even in the Christian religion and even st .John the Baptist (they traduced bad this sentence in your gospels [a saint spirit] is in Greek [peuma aguyon] but theHoly Spirit is [to Pneuma to Aguyon] (to=the)...And for the Baptist we have only [pneuma aguyon]...The Holy Spirit cannot enter an full any of His creatures: first He is greater than the  world, the person shall explode...secondly this shall be a new Incarnation exactly like Jesus..
Then only Balaam and Jesus, the Spirit of "AL" came on them among men(except the Virgin Mary)The personal sanctityof Balaam is proclaimed by the Kingthe Princes, the people.(Vox populi...) His integrity by saying: "if the King gives me his house full of silver and gold..." by the vision of an Angel by day and st. Joseph by night... And He is the "Only one" in the world who made a dialog with an animal (Jesus gave commandments to fish to enter in the net of Peter or to give him money) Balaam speaks by day and by night in his house and on any mountain with "AL him" and with YHWH...And Moses was obliged twice to go to the top of the mount Horeb to speak only with YHWH....And the very poor Elias the prophet in despite of his name (Elias="ALYHW) was obliged to go footing more than five hundred kilometres to arrive to the top of Horeb to  hear few sentences and to see only the back of YHWH ... With Balaam, "AL" and  YHWH come to Balaam who has the mentality of {"AL" the Father} and the Jews have the{mentality of slaves}... And many times the prophets and the psalms repeat for them: remember:" you were slaves in Egypt}...Jacob already knew that thePhoenician were the FIRST PEOPLE CHOSEN and they the second people chosen: Isaac the second of Abraham is chosen Jacob the second of Isaac is chosen...the two sons of Joseph the second is chosen (Gn.48\12-20) 17:And whenJoseph saw that his father, Jacob laid his right hand upon of Ephraim(the second) it displeased him and he held up his father's hand to remove it from Ephraim's head unto Manasseh's head...And his father refused......And he set Ephraim before Manasseh....
Balaam was the First and the best who said a prophecy about Jesus "a star shall come from Jacob",  one thousand and four hundred years before the three Magi who saw the star of Jesus...Moses said only (DT 18\15) YHWH your ["AL hi"] will raise up unto you a prophet from the midst of you of your brethren like unto me, unto him you shall hear..The problem is that the future prophet according to Moses will be only equal to him and not a bit above him Moses spoke during three chapters about Balaam (Num22-23-24) it was the longest story...  Balaam, the only one who blessed the people, all the others predict malediction and war....
   For all those things we can say that Balaam is the Greatest Prophet in Both the Old and New Testaments....... But, but, but... This displeased the Hebrew priests that a Phoenician Prophet is greater than their Moses, they falsified as a beginners what wrote Moses "That Balaam returned to his place." They wrote in (Num31\7-9): And they slew the kings of Madian...five kings... Balaam also the son of Baour they slew with the sword...and took all the women of Madian captives...14: They make Moses saying: have you saved all the women?...They caused the children of IsraAL through the counsel of Balaam to commit trespass against YHWH in the Matter of Peor=Faghour ...Who wrote those last five lines is not Moses but a man who would falsify the truth and he is, in four ways liar 1-:In geography: Madian is far from  Moab more than three hundred kilometres 2- In chronology: IsraAL made war with five kings of Madian and with the king Sayhoun and with the king 'Oge before their arriving to Moab. And Baal Faghour=Peor is far from Moab more than two hundred kilometres 3-In time:  Moses with the people had needed more than three months to arrive to Moab. Why Balaam would ride his donkey for about one month to arrive at PEOR while the Hebrew are yet near him at Moab...4-Moses is not who wrote those sentences because he knew well the geography the chronology and the time to go footingwith the people to arrive to Moab and knowing well that Balaam was not in Madian to be killed. But after several monthshe shall arrive to Moab after their arriving by two or three months...Moses knows very well the sanctity of  Balaam and [the Spirit of "AL" came upon Him], the Spirit of the Creator, but which is on Moses is a little spirit created who can be divided: (Num.11\25: And YHWH came down in a cloud and spoke unto him and took from the spirit that was upon himand gave it to the seventy elders and when the spirit rests on them they prophesied but did not  continue ...It was written in(Num25\16-17-18) YHWH spoke to Moses saying: Vex the Madianites  and smite them: For they vex you with their wiles wherewith they had beguiled you in the matter of Peor..Then it was not Balaam who was still at home, the King sent not yet for him. But, all this is for what? All this is to rub out from the mentality of the Jews (it is nearly impossible) and from the Christian mentality some words from a liar from more than two thousand years. They were repeated by the epistle of st. Peter, Jude's epistle and in the Revelation of st. John. And we repeat in all the languages:"sun rise and sun set" knowing from more than five hundred years that the earth that turns around the sun...but who dares to say the truth [with us] ?...2Peter2\15: following the way of Balaam son of Bosor= Ba'our who loved the wages of unrighteousness...ButBalaam had not fear even Kings and Princes but Peter was afraid from that kept the door and from the servants around the fire(Jn.18\17)  Balaam made a dialog with the angel by day. And Peter saw the angel by night without knowing that he was an angel..Balaam said a prophecy about the Divinity of Jesus and Peter (Acts 2\22-23-36) made from "Jesus of Nazareth MAN approved by God ="AL Him" among you...This MAN being delivered...That God="AL Him" had made that the same Jesus whom you have crucified both lord and Christ (the word lord=rabb a Syriac word meaning a human lord and the priests were named: Rabbi...And this Christ is far from YHWH because the Apostles and the first Christians went always to the Temple to Worship YHWH and not the" bread and the wine" at their meetings at the Mass ...And st. Paul returning after eighteen years went up to the Temple to worship "YHWH"..And Jesus remained only the Messiah of the Jews Mashih=Ointed with oil) till the meeting of all the Bishops at Nicaea in 325 where the Trinity was declared: FatherSon and Holy Spirit...And the Son was Incarnate with the name of YHWH SHOU'. And as the pronunciation of YHWH is forbidden, they take the first syllable: YH +SHOU' And in Greek we have not the letter "sh" but "s" and the name will be "Iessus" and the Latin "j" was  pronounced "i", we arrive to "Jessus"=iessus, in Latin:Jesus . And in English: Jesus... (Hallellu+YH = praise YHWH=Alleluia...  YH sha'na=YHWH SHA'NA    YH sha'na= ihu+sha'na    (in Greek sh=s)=ihussana=osana)    Jashua Ben Nun=YHW.+shu'  without H  THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO NAMES IS THE   " H " : YHWH+ SHOU'= JESUS and YHW + SHOU'=IASHUA
There were in Nicaea the Bishops descendent of the Phoenician priests who arrived at the idea of the Trinity because thePhoenician priests knew the Trinity and the names of the Trinity.. And the majority, who refused, were descendent ofJews families with Nestorius. For the Jews forbid to elevate Jesus to the degree of "YHWH" and why those Phoenicians dare to elevate Jesus to the degree of "AL Him"? For the angry slaves know not love. But "AL"=love, like wrote st. John in his first epistle...
We return to Jude's epistle:1\11:And ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward..........     St.John Revelation:2\14: You have there, them that hold the doctrine of Balaam who taught Balak to make the children of IsraAL to eat from the sacrifices unto idols and commit fornication...but those things have  not to be taught: put men in front of meat and women..  The Jews commit those in Madian far from Balak more than two hundred kilometres...and the Christians will repeat those mistakes for ten and ten years like:"sun set and sun rise"...
5- The fifth great Saint is  Abimalak King of Jarrar (Gen.20\1-18:And Abraham sojourned in Jarrar whose King was afraidfrom such a great tribe which had 318 men of war, he tried to make with her chief a covenant and this was arranged by giving a daughter or a sister of the host to the King and Abraham accepted(he already made this in Egypt with thePharaoh he gave him his young sister-wife who cannot have children) And now he gives his old sister- wife to the King and took from the King thousand pieces of silver(and when she shall die he will buy for her a land for a burying place atfour hundred pieces)Abraham had many wives= concubines(Gen25\6)And Abraham gave all that he had to Isaac  but unto the sons of concubines which Abraham had, Abraham gave gifts and sent them away from Isaac his son  At the end of the diplomatic marriage the king tired sleeps without touching his new old wife. But God="AL Him" came to Abimalak in dream by night and said to him you will dead for the women which you had taken, for she is a man's wife. But Abimaalak did not come near her. And the King said you kill a righteous? He said she is my sister and she said he is my brother. In the integrity of my heart and the innocence of my hands I had done this.......    And "AL Him" said unto him: Yes I know that you did this in the integrity of your heart for I  also withheld you from sinning against me therefore I did not allow you to touch her..Those words of the Creator made Abimalak surely saint for ever more any declaration of any Pope of Rome...The Creator, Himself, gave him an attest of sanctity and made Himself his defence and not let him to sin.-20\9-Then Abimalak called Abraham and said to him: What has you done to us and what have I offended you to try to bring on me and on my kingdom a great sin...The Phoenician religion more than the Christian saw that the sin affects the personand his  family, his city, his kingdom...If in Egypt Abram was afraid, here the king is afraid from such a rich and big tribebut the essential for Abraham is to have like in Egypt:-20\14: And the King took  sheep and oxen and menservants and women servants and gave them to Abraham...He took many, many things  also from the Pharaoh by putting his young sister-wife as a defence before him... And he had many illegal wives=concubines with their sons...(Gen25\1) Then Abraham took a wife and her name was Keturah and he had from her six sons...And Abraham gave all that he had to Isaac. But to the sons of concubines whom Abraham had, Abraham gave them gifts and sent them away from Isaac...
Here also we found a priest who falsified the truth and would make from Abraham a righteous person and from therighteous King a sinner "AL Him" had shown the truthHcame by Himself to withhold the king from sinning. But Abraham made the same thing in Egypt and became rich (Gen.12\16) And the Pharaoh entreated Abram well for Sara's sake and had sheep and oxen and asses and menservants and  maidservants and camels-13\2-And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver and in gold. Pharaoh asked Abram the same question-13\19-Why said you she is my sister? And he cast him from Egypt-13\30-And they sent him away and his wife and all he had...The liar priest who falsified the text made of YHWH a soldier: For YHWH ("their Soldier")  had fast closed up all the wombs of the house of the King because of Sara. And "AL Him" repaired what had done the "disobedient Soldier YHWH", and healed the King and his wife and his maidservants and bare childrenThey bear children as a reward of the righteous of the King and not by the prayers of Abraham who accepted an illegal diplomatic marriage. But if the King would to marry, ten and ten young fair ladies of the Kingdom would run to be Queens...Then "AL Him" Himself shows the high righteousness of the King Abimalak in front of the one who robbed him thousand pieces of silver and spoiled sheep and oxen and menservants and women servants without war, with dignity
We begin the next period with the king David...(1kings5\1or15): ..And Hiram king of Tyr sent his servants to Salomon, for he had heard that they anointed him king at the place of his father, for Hiram was loving David all his life...(2 Chronicles2\2-3) And Salomon sent to Hiram  the King of Tyr saying: As you made with David my father and sent him cedars to build a house for himself to dwell in it, make with me the same, behold I build a house for the Name of YHWH...(1 Kings5\8 0r 22)And Hiram sent to Salomon saying :I heard that you sent to me and I will do all you desire concerning the cedars' trees and the firs' trees. My servants shall bring them down from Lebanon unto the sea. I will convey them by sea in floats unto the place that you shall appoint me, and I will untied them there and you shall take them...(2 Chr.2\12-13):And now I sent a clavier man named Hiram Abi who is a son from a woman of the tribe of Dan, and his father is a man of Tyre. He can work goldsilver, copper, iron, stone and wood...Then David came many times to Tyre to see hisfriend the King Hiram and went with him to the celebrations, to the Temple of Malak Qart, for usually the King was also the High Priest in the Phoenician's religion ( for this  David and  Salomon made an usurpation and  blessed the people instead of the High Priest) Then the King Hiram came with David to the Temple of Malak Qart=King's city=Baal=LORD=King of [AL im]. And David heard the melodies and the prayers for Malak Qart and he put them in his psalms as we said before...And from the Temple of MALAK QART he had the idea to build a Temple for YHWH...And THOSE OF TYRE WHO BUILT THE TEMPLE OF YHWH had PUT BEFORE THE TEMPLE" THE TWO COLUMNS" that the Jews till today ignore their meaning. They symbolise the Creator the 2=two letters of His NAME WERE WRITTEN ON THE TOP OF THE TWO COLUMNS  :                                      "    A   .................  L      "      
The Hebrew prophets had much pleasure to make prophecies of YHWH (THE CHIEF of IsraAL army) with maledictions, war and destructions for the other peoples and especially for the Phoenicians who were a happy and peaceful people who made commerce with the entire world known...But, alas nothing happened neither for the Phoenician cities nor thepeople. We begin with the prophet Isaiah=(Isha'YH=YHWH saves) He begins his prophecy saying: the ox knows hisowner and the ass his Baal's crib (baal=master)but IsraAL does not know me, My people does not understand(He made them lesser than ...) And he says the same thing (27\11):for it is a people who did not understand, therefore, He, thatmade him, will not have mercy on him..
 And after his first Vision, the Lord=YHWH told him: Tell to this people: Hear indeed but understand not, see indeed butperceive not. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy and shut their eyes that they cannot see with their eyes and not hear with their ears...(this malediction remained till the time of the Apostles and specially for them(because they would put always their hands on their eyes and go footing without any sandals){The Church must pray toput away these maledictions and the Jews will become Christians by hundreds...}
The great prophecy against Tyre(all the ch.23)but nothing will happen because "Malak Qart" is there...Word upon Tyre: Howl, you ships of Tarshish(Spain) for Tyre is laid waste, so,that is no house at their arrival from the land of Kittim(Cyprus)..3-And her profit Shihor, the harvest of the Nile is her revenue. And Tyre is Market of all nations..This, your joyous city whose {antiquity is of the FIRST DAYS}..8- Who gave order against TYRE THAT CROWNED THE KINGS WHOSE MERCHANTS ARE PRINCESWHOSE TRAFFIKERS ARE THE HONOURABLES OF THE EARTH...12-...O VIRGIN DAUGHTER OF SIDON,,,(INSPITE OF ALL THINGS the daughter of Sidon is always VIRGIN..(BUT the daughters of Urshalim are the contrary 3\16)..In those days Tyre shall be forgotten seventy years"...(nothing of those predictions had happened) ...as we shall see THE SAME THING in Ezekiel.........THE BEST PROPHECIES ABOUT JESUS MORE THAN HUMAN MESSIAH WERE NOT USED BY THE APOSTLES WHO SAW IN JESUS ONLY ANHEBREW MESSIAH ONLY HUMAN ONE, LIKE MOSES...The GREATEST PROPHECY OF THIS PROPHET IS HIDDEN IN THE (CHAP.65)...GREATER THAN IN 7\14: THE EMMANUEL='AMMAU"AL"............. We saw a little about the prophet Elias, and little about Malachi and Jeremiah, and now the prophet EZEKIEL='HEZEQ"AL":
'HZEQ"AL": THE HAND OF YHWH WAS UPON HIM...(A voice) said unto me: Son of Adam... And he said: I send you to the children of IsraAL to a rebellious nation...they and their Fathers have transgressed against me for they impudent children and stiff hearted... Say unto them thus said the "Adoni YHWH, he that hears let him hear and he that forbears let him forebear, for they are a rebellious house...3\17"Son of Adam: I have made you a watchman of IaraAL... 9\6 "go on the midst of UrShalim and set a mark of "tao"=t (and the Phoenician "t" of the writing of Tyre was like a cross +, for this some translators write: "mark a cross"...) 12\22{All the prophets predict malediction for the future and who are living now see nothing for this they had a proverb ): "The days are long and all visions pass  away" 16\3: Thus said Adoni YHWH: unto UrShalim your birth and nativity is of the land of Canaan your  father was an Amorite and your mother an Hittite...  (ADONI=my lord in Phoenician)
We arrive to the prophecy against Tyre 26\7: the word of YHWH came to me again:"...I will bring against TyrusNabukadanassar king of Babylon with horses and with chariots and with horsemen and companies and much people... 25\16: Then all the princes of the sea shall come down from their thrones and lay away their robes...26\31:I will make you a terror... Now you Son of Adam take up a lamentation for Tyrus: 27\2-3-4:O thou art situate at the entry of the sea which art a merchant of the people for many islands thus saith ADONI YHWH , O TYRUS THOU HAST SAID I AM OF PERFECT BEAUTY:THEY HAVE MADE ALL THY SHIP BOARDS OF FIR TREES OF SANNIR,THEY HAVE TAKENCEDARS FROM LEBANON TO MAKE MASTS FOR THEE...27\7-Fine linen with broidered work from Egypt was that which thou spreadest forth to be thy sail, blue and purple from the isles of Elishah was that cover thee 8- the inhabitants of Sidon and Arvad, the wise men..Thy wise men, O Tyrus that were in thee were thy pilots.9- The ancients of Gebal and the wise men thereof were in thee to restore. All the ships of the sea with their mariners were in thee to occupy thy merchandise. 10. - They of Persia and of Lud and of Phut were in thine army, thy men of war they hanged the shield and the helmet in thee. They gave thee much beauty. 11. - The men of Arvad with thine army were upon thy walls round about, and the Gammadims were in thy towers, they hanged their shields upon thy walls round about. They have madethy beauty perfect. 12.- Tarshish was thy merchant by reason of thy multitude of all kind of riches with silver, iron, tin and lead they traded in thy fairs. 13.- Iawan,(Geece) Tubal, and Mashik they were thy merchants, they traded slaves and vessels of brass in thy market.14.- Those of (Armeny) Bet- Togarmah trade in thy fairs with horses and the best horses and mules.15.- The Rodaimites were thy merchants, many isles were the merchandise of thine hand, they brought thee for a present horns of ivory and ebony. 16. Aram (Syria) was your merchant by the multitude of the wares of thy making, thy occupied in thy fairs with emeralds purple and broidered work, and fine linen, and coral and agate. 17.- Judah and the land of IsraAL, were thy merchants they traded in thy market wheat of Minnit, and byssus and honey and oil and balm. 18. Damascus was thy merchant in the multitude of the wares of thy making, for the multitude of all riches, in the wine ofHelbon, and white wool 19.- Widan also and Iavan going to and fro occupied in thy fairs from Uzal bright iron cassia and calamus were in thy market. Dadan was thy merchant in precious clothes for chariots.21.- The Arabs and all the princes of Kaidar they occupied with thee in lambs, rams, and goats in these were they thy merchants. 22: The merchants of Shaba' and Ra'mah they were thy  merchants they occupied  in thy fairs with  chief of all spices and with all preciousstones and gold. 23 Haran and Canneh and Eden the merchants of Sheba Ashur and Kilmed were thy merchants. 24.- These were thy merchants   in all sort of things in honourable clothes and broidered work and in chests of rich apparel..    32.- What city is like Tyrus...33.- When thy wares went  forth out of the sea thou filledst many peoplesThou didst enrich the kings of the earth with the multitude of thy merchandise  28\1:the Word of YHWH came again unto me and said: Son of Adam" say to the Prince of Tyrus : thus said "Adoni" YHWH :because thy heart was lifted up and thou hast said "I am "AL" I sit on the seat of Elohim="AL H im" in the midst of the seas. Yet you art ["Adam"] and not "AL".(Attention: this is a literal translation as you know we can teach more than fifteen languages and you shall see the deep meaning later...) 3.- Behold thou art wiser than Daniel=DaniALTHERE IS NO SECRET HIDDEN FROM THEE. {Who is the best after NOAH? We saw that was DaniAL the Phoenician. And who is the best from DaniAL? Only two: NOAH and ADAM... And who is THE PRINCE OF TYRE WHO IS WISER THAN DaniAL? What is his name??? The prophecy doesn't give any historical name of the kings of Tyre ... We shall see about whom Adoni YHWH is speaking...}
 As we saw, all peoples and the entire world known, was in commercial contacts with Tyre...  Tyre was the centre and the capital of the world and all the merchants of the world speak Phoenician and all the Phoenician merchants speak all the languages, by groups, each group speaks the language from whom he is buying or selling merchandise like our days: who buys things from Germany-medicine or cars- speaks German. We left aside the descriptions who give terror of the destruction of Tyre because as we said nothing of them was realised but words, words and wordsthat will be rubbed out by the prophet himself and his Adoni YHWH AND THIS SHALL MAKE YOU LAUGH if you love a bit Tyre for her historical role: Those of Tyre built the Temple of YHWH... They gave by David the prayers and the psalms... They were always in peace with the Hebrew people...They made the peoples know each otherand spread their merchandises THEY SPREAD THE RELIGION OF "AL" IN THE WORLD TILL THE FARTHESTISLANDS TILL  AMERICA...And when the new Christians spoke about Jesus, they said" Jesus that "THEOS"  raised or  Jesus that "AL Him" raised...  And in29\18 we find that YHWH Himself denied that the king of Babylon had destroyed any thing: Son of Adam Nabukadanassar the king of Babylon yet had he not wages nor his armyfor Tyrus...Therefore thus said Adoni YHWH: Behold I will give the land of Egypt unto Nabukadanassar the king of Babylon, he shall take her richness and take her spoil and rob her and it shall be the wages for his army...I have give him the land of Egypt...Why are those terrific descriptions and all this multitude of words which gives terror...And against whom? Against the poor people who went in the seas preaching the religion of "AL" and making some commerce?...Is there any mysterious sin who is not till now  forgotten and no one  till now begged pardon from it? We shall see against whom explode this anger... And is this for an actual or an ancient sinprobably an offense from the high antiquity
Ez28\1: The Word of YHWH CAME AGAIN UNTO ME SAYING: Son of Adam: SAY TO THE PINCE OF TYRUS "Thus saith Adony YHWH: Because thine heart was lifted up and thou hast said I am "AL"I sit on the seat of" AL" in the midst of the sea, yet thou art {"ADAM"}And not "AL" though, thy set thine heart as the heart of "AL"3.- Behold thou art wiser than DANIELDaniAL. There is no secret hidden to thee...Who has those qualities is more than NOAH , HE IS ONLY" ADAM"RAISING DIRECTLY FROM THE HANDS OF  THE CREATOR.We shall see if that comes later, confirm this idea...28\11 Moreover the Word of YHWH came to me saying: Son of Adam take a lamentation upon the King of Tyrus and say unto HIM: Thus saith Adoni YHWH:" THOU CLOSED THE PERFECTION, FULL OF WISDOM AND PERFECT IN BEAUTY ...{ Is this a lamentation or the best  magnification from Adoni YHWH Himself, he did not said this about any creature}... THOU HAST BEEN IN EDEN THE GARDEN OF "AL" {Now we have the key: Who is magnified is not the poor actual king of Tyre...BUT THE ONLY MAN WHO WAS IN THE GARDEN OF "AL": EDEN, IS " A  D  A  M"  =  THE  FIRST KING OF TYRE...and of the World. We understand now all the angry under the words that hides an antique offense caused  by anything forbidden to do and not forgotten...}...EVERY PRECIOUS STONE WAS THY COVERING: THE SARDIUS, TOPAZ  and DIAMOND ,the BERYL, the ONYX, and the JASPER, the SAPPHIRE ,the EMERALD, and the CARBUNCLE, the workmanship of thy drams and of thy pipes was in GOLD and WAS PREAPARED IN THEE IN THE DAY THOU WAST CREATED...{There is no doubt: THE ONLY ONE WHO WAS CREATED IS:"ADAM"    WITH HISEVE...}THOU WAST an ANOINTED CHERUB THAT COVERTH and I HAVE SET THEE UPON THE HOLY MOUNTAIN OF "AL". THOU WALKED IN MIDST OF THE STONES OF FIRE...THOU WAST PERFECT IN THY WAYS FROM THE DAY THAT WAST CREATED...{Those unique qualities are only for  " A D A M" the unique who was created and wascreated PERFECT and  all the others are born  and with the original sin...} Then "ADAMWAS CREATED IN "LEBANON", IN THE REGION OF TYRE IN THE GREAT  GARDEN, ARROUND TYRE NEAR THE RIVER OF TYRENEAR THE SMALL HILL THAT SURROUNDS THE GARGEN OF "AL"WHICH HAS MANY CAVERNS FOR THE NIGHT AND WINTER...{ We hope that a place must be build their in" souvenir" of the creation of ADAM and EVE where  the Creator create and came many times to speak with them and tell them how to live how to eat and drink pure water how to sleep how to swim...because if one of them died He shall be obliged to create another..here is the very HOLY LAND ...And JESUS VISITING THE PLACE with his Mother and his Apostles and during the time where those were eating fruits and resting under the trees, JESUS  BROUGHT ADAM and EVE  and told to them: THIS, THE DIVINE PROMISE FOR YOU IS HAPPENING NOW: HERE IS YOUR DAUGHTER "MARIAM" AND HERE I AM HER SON:"THE SEED"WHO SHALL BRUISE THE HEAD OF YOUR ENEMY{ Imagine the happiness of ADAM and EVE WHEN THEY KNEW THAT IS NEAR THEIR REDEMPTION . AND THEY RECOGNISED HIS VOICE and THE LOVE OF THEIR CREATOR...
{The age of discernment is seven =7 years for a life about 70. But for a life of 930 years the life of "ADAM" This Age will be about 100 years...Then "ADAM LIVED IN PEACE about 100 YEARS...as it was said in 28\15: "thou art perfect in thy ways from your creation TILL INIQUITY WAS FOUND IN THEE...{this is the greatest KEY of the secret of the FIRST KING OF TYRUS. And FATHER OF THE HUMANITY ...THE KEY OF DEATH, ILLNESSS, HOSPITALS and all the sick persons and all the unhappy creatures...FOR WHY THIS BIG UNHAPPINESS IN THE WHOLE WORLD BECAUSE THE FIRST KING OF TYRE had a sin? FOR ONE SIN, VERY BIG SIN, THE BIGGEST SIN THAT THE FIRST KING OF TYRE DID, WHO WAS GIVING LIFE AND VERY LONG LIFE AND ALL THINGS: TO BE INTELLGENT:" NO ONE SECTERT UNKNOWN FROM HIM [for those who know the symbols of the stones named up ...they are powers giving tothe First King of Tyre one of  them the Power to  cast bad spirits, THE BIGGEST IS TO OFFER ACCEPTABLE SACRIFICES TO THE DIVINITY...]  THIS GREAT SIN HAD MANY STEPS ...THE CREATOR WAS NOT INJUST WITH THE FIRST KING OF TYRE:
The first step of the sin: The heart of ADAM lifted up, "and thou hast said I am "AL" I sit on the seat of "AL" in the midst of the seas yet thou art "[ADAM"] and not "AL" tough thou set thine heart as the heart of "AL" ...that is no secret hidden to thee... The whole humanity discovered the secrets of the world step by step and shall continue each day in discovering in medicine in electricity in discovering the moon and the planets.........                                     Second step: 28\16b: THE MIDST OF THEE WAS FILLED VIOLENCE AND THOU HAD SINNED I CAST THEE FROM THE MOUNTAIN OF "AL", I CAST THEE AND PUT THEE OUT OF THE  MIDST OF THE STONES OF FIRE...THIRD STEP OF THE SIN OF THE FIRST KING OF TYRE: 28\17 :THINE HEART LIFTED UP BECAUSE OF THY BEAUTY. THOU HAST CORRUPTED THY WISDOM, FOR THINE BRIGHTNESS. AND I THROW THEE, AT THE GROUND...{This is the true original  sin because  we know that who  wrote is a prophet...but about the Genesis we know nothing.  Here EVE had any role but only the FIRST KING OF TYRE...Because of thy beauty"{We think that he was about three=3metres high..to not die if he swims in the rivers or if the lion or any wild animal would devour him or Miss EVE, (Miss Universe: Queen of beauty) then the Creator must create another....(Dt3\11) The Jews saw one of the descendents of THE FIRST KING OF TYRE : THE KING 'OGE, "for only 'Oge king of Bashan remained  of the remnant of giants, behold his bedstead of iron, is it not in Rabbat 'Ammon ,nine cubits(4metres)was the length and four cubits was the breadth of it, after the cubit of a man...
Don't throw stones against the First King of Tyre his story is the story of each man on the earth: When he was about seven=7years old he was pure and happy... laughing, playing, studding, swimming, eating, sleeping in peace...All those who make war and iniquities now on the earth were pure and glad at seven=7 years...but after they become like THE KING OF TYRE: KINGS OF DRUG, hotels, super markets, cinemas, big boss of companies: petroleum companies, shipping companies, aircraft companies, bank companies, presidents of Republics, kings...All those are now sinners likeThe King of TYRE ...All those who make iniquity on the earth now, were pure at seven=7yearrs...And each one of us makes himself king in his job: lawyer, physician, policeman, salesman,... minister...If each one remains pure like at seven=7years we shall have the heaven on the earth, then each one of us must return to the purity of his seven=7years... in the middle East this is the age of the first communion. You have no more purpose, to throw stones on the FIRST KING OF TYRE, but throw on those new kings...till the kings of any family where the father beats his wife and children....and as each one  makes the king where he is, we must throw stones on ourselves to be pure like at seven=7years...THE FIRST KING OF TYRE BEGAN TO REPENT FROM THE  FIRST DAY...And we  have in the Phoenician religion that "AL" IS CREATOR OF ALL CREATURES, AND FATHER OF ALL HUMANS,MISERICORDIOUS, AND   K I N D  AND PEACEFUL...(Gen.3\10) I HEARD THY VOICE IN THE GARDEN, AND I WAS AFRAID BECAUSE I AM NAKED  AND I HID MYSELF..He confessed his fault and repent...but at the end, THE FATHER ISMISERICORDIOUS 3\15 HE PROMISED THE SALVATION, THE REDEDEMPTION OF THE MASTER-PIECE OF THE CREATION WHOM LOVES TOO MUCH...DURING HUNGRED=100 YEARS HE CAME DAILY TEATCH THEM THE SECRETS OF THE CREATION..."NO SECRET IS HIDEN TO THEE" AND THE PROMISE IS :
Then, we are all in the heart of the Phoenician religion and we all worship "AL" like st. Paul said (Acts24\14) I confess that I worship the (God?) of my Fathers =YHWH according to the Way which they call heresy, and believing all things which are written in Law and the in Prophets and there shall be a resurrection of dead, both of the just and unjust..."  St. Paul  and all the Apostles made only one big step towards the Phoenician religion by accepting the idea of the resurrection of dead, because nor the Law neither the prophets speak clearly about resurrection because Moses did not speak at all...And all the Apostles except st. John  the Apostle  will believe  and will die like st. Paul that Jesus is  only prophet like the prophecy of Moses that the Messiah is from the midst of them prophet like him only (Dt.18\15)...And st.Paul writes to Timothy(1Tim2\5) For there is one God="ALHim" and one mediator between God and men the MANChrist Jesus...And in EPHESIANS ST, Paul writes: I pray for you "that the God of our Lord Jesus, the Father of Glory, may give unto you the Spirit of Wisdom.. They did not believe yet that the Holy spirit is given to us at the Baptism because they did not knew that God="ALHim" is Trinity...Only about the year hundred=100, the Gospel of st, John will begin to spread between the Christians... and the former adepts of the Phoenician religion found that gospel enters in the heart of their ancient religion and it was a great Happiness to found the Trinity in this Gospel and began to spread  the Idea of the Trinity till the council of Nicaea:325 where the Trinity was declaredFatheSon  and Holy Spirit and the Sonwas Incarnated in the Virgin Mary and took the name of Jesus and Mary is his Mother ...Mother of the Incarnated second Person of the Trinity. Nestorius and all the bishops from the Jews families were against these ideas, and against thebelievers in the Trinity ...and they will remain in "war" more than hundred=100years...The Nestorian Church of Iraq do not believe in the Trinity and believes in Jesus only prophet and Messiah of the Jews...For this She is not allowed to be in the International Council of Churches...The bishop of Makah: Ouaraka Ben Naoufal was Nestorian (some historians say that he wrote some chapters of the Koran and for this they have Jesus only prophet and Messiah of the Jews) 
You and We believers in the Trinity! We are no more in the faith of saint Peter and st. Paul and  the other apostles...Those, who will remain at the faith of the apostles can go with the Nestorian Church,  She will be very happy to receive them...Jesus could open more the intelligence of  Paul and of the others because his will is that Period be like this because before the year seventy=70 the Jews  had a little state with a king and they could kill all those who  had extreme ideas...After that date there is no more state nor King ..St. Barnaby can begin to write His Epistle to the Hebrew...and elevate Jesus to the degree of New High Priest according the degree of MALAK SADEQ...That makes from the Christians with a New High Priest a new religion.. And after this st. John our Father of all the believers in the Trinitywrote His Gospel (See our thesis upon st. John) In their "war" the Nestorians objected to the "Believers of the Trinity"(This is our "New Name" we are no more Christians: those who are only like the Nestorian Church), Why you believe in the Gospel of st John and you leave the three other Gospels and the eleven other Apostles?...Those also had their good reasons... During this long real "war" where many bishops were put out of their towns and the Nestorians were putting at their place>>>How to know who is from the priests with the Trinity or not, he will be accused to the authorities and punished...The Pope of Rome was  put out ...And the Nestorian Felix came at his place....And the two  enemies  were in "war" with those of the ancestral religion...But if the believers of the Trinity had  made friendship with them and tried to know the NAMES of The Persons of the Trinity it would be so good...  But now who will arrive at this degree which is very important, for the psalm 91 says: I will  set him on high  because  he hath known my NAME, HE SHALL CALL ME and I will deliver him, I will be with him in trouble, and I honour him. With long life I satisfy him and show him my salvation"...See how is important to KNOW A NAMEPRAY and read again our thesis and keep your knowledge only for you. For the name is too important: suppose a king or a President, making a speech in the National day and one bad man comes crying "Presidents are liars. He shall be beaten a little to keep silence...But if he says: You "X:noun of the king of S.A." you are liar, he shall be beaten to death...Or, if a young man takes in marriage a fine wife, he shall not put her, without clothes, on a podium that bad men can see her beauty. But he keeps the beauty for himself only ...THEN, keep! your treasure for yourself only...
Till now we spoke about the principal ideas that we put in our Arabic thesis. That was the first part of our study. The second is: the New Testament and the tablets of Ugarit. And we shall add the essential of the Arabic thesis about theVirgin Mary, st Joseph, st. John...